安保理改革に関する政府間交渉会合における石兼大使による日本ステートメント 2022/4/20
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Madame and Mr. Co-Chairs,Thank you for convening this meeting. Japan aligns itself with the statement delivered by Brazil on behalf of the G4. Please allow me to make additional remarks in my national capacity.
The theme of today’s meeting, the status of the IGN document, is crucial for realizing tangible progress in the IGN discussions. We have been advocating for years the need for a single consolidated text that accurately reflects the positions of each group and each country through attribution.
Building on the momentum emerging from the commitment of our Heads of States and Governments to “instil new life” in the discussion on Security Council reform, and backed by a strong majority of the membership, the Co-Chairs´ Elements Paper of 2021 introduced attribution for the first time, albeit partially.
In recent months, I sense the momentum grow further. The use of the veto by one permanent member is just another testimony of the current dysfunction of the Security Council, and highlights the need for a more serious debate on the reform of the Council. What we need now in this IGN process is to add more accurate and wide-ranging attributions in the Co-Chairs´ Elements Paper of 2022 so that we all share the starting line of future negotiations, and to roll this updated Elements Paper over to the IGN of the next session for further discussion.
One point I would like to emphasize is that updating the Co-Chairs' Elements Paper by adding attribution does not diminish the value of the 2015 Framework Document, which along with its annex will continue to serve as “ an encyclopedia ” that compiles the detailed positions submitted by Member States and groups.
However, it is only useful as a reference. It cannot serve as a useful tool to bring closer the diverse positions of the Member States. Also, it is a product of its time and does not capture subsequently expressed positions, including the G4's support for the Common African Position or the recent chorus of voices in support of initiatives to restrain the use of the veto in certain cases. In this regard, Japan supports the draft GA resolution, initiated by Liechtenstein.
Madame and Mr. Co-Chairs,
It is disappointing that the revised draft Co-Chairs’ Elements Paper has not yet been circulated for consideration by Member States ahead of this meeting. I am looking forward to receiving it soon.
While we acknowledge the fact that a wide divergence remains in the positions of the various groups and countries, the current way the IGN meetings are being managed will not bring our positions any closer.
I wish to reiterate the need to change the modality of the IGN in two ways.
First, I reemphasize the need for the revised Co-Chairs’ Elements Paper with attribution as a working document of the IGN meetings, which should be updated and circulated after each IGN meeting by the Co-Chairs. Attributions in such a document can be checked and corrected by Member States during the following IGN rounds. With this interactive process, Co-Chairs' Elements Paper will and can serve as the best basis of our discussion leading to an early launch of text-based negotiations.
Second, I reiterate Japan’s support for the repeated requests from L69 and SIDS to have a written record to ensure transparency and inclusiveness of the discussions. This valid request should be followed-up in an appropriate manner.
With the momentum for Security Council reform building since last year, with the recent events posing profound challenges to the legitimacy of the Security Council, it is unacceptable to roll over, as if nothing happened, and start the discussion from scratch again in the next session without reflecting the actual discussion to the IGN document and its record. Emphasizing once again that the majority of Member States have these frustrations, and what we do or do not do here, the venue to discuss the reform, will be remembered by all, if we really seriously working for the United Nations we want. I strongly request the Co-Chairs to take appropriate initiatives on these two points to really instil new life in our work here.
I thank you.