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Madame and Mr. Co-Chairs,

I will now make a National Statement on behalf of my own country.

On working methods of the Council, it is a widely shared belief that the Council would become more transparent, efficient, and effective if its working methods were kept under constant review. During our past tenure on the Council, Japan proactively engaged in updating and improving the working methods of the Council, and we maintain our strong commitment to contribute to these efforts including after the reform.

On the relationship between the Council and the General Assembly”,
In addition to the need to strengthen relations between the General Assembly and the Security Council, Japan believes that the relationship between the Security Council and Peacebuilding Commission should be further strengthened, in particular by leveraging the Commission’s convening power vis-à-vis the relevant stakeholders in and beyond the UN system and by making maximum use of its advisory role to the Council.
In the last IGN meeting many Member States noted that the holding of the 11th Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly once again demonstrated the dysfunction of the current Security Council. We adopted the resolution "Aggression against Ukraine" with the support of 141 Member States, but essentially, in accordance with the UN Charter, the Security Council should have primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace. In this context, we would like to recall that the article 27(3) of the UN Charter clearly reads, and I quote, "In decisions under Chapter VI, and under paragraph 3 of Article 52, a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting”.
Madame and Mr. Co-Chairs,

Let me emphasize once again the important point in my national capacity. We take note of your reflection presented at the end of the second session and circulated afterwards. However, what the majority of this floor had requested was to revise and update the Co-Chairs Elements Paper so it reflects the positions of each group and Member State through attribution, based on their respective interventions during the IGN session. We seek a single consolidated text with attribution.
Having now completed discussions on all five clusters, I would like to request you, Co-Chairs, to circulate the updated paper right after this meeting, so that it can be the basis for our next cycle of discussions during this session.

I thank you.