

Japan welcomes the adoption of the Security Council resolution renewing the cross-border aid mechanism for another six months.
We especially thank the tireless efforts of Norway and Ireland as former co-penholders, and Brazil and Switzerland as current co-penholders, to pave the way for this important decision. E10 unity remains crucial on this issue and we stand behind this resolution.
As a result of prolonged conflict surrounded by a complex political landscape in Syria and beyond, humanitarian needs in Syria have reached record levels. Based on the Special Report of the Secretary-General, an estimated 15.3 million people across Syria this year will desperately rely on life-saving assistance such as food, water, shelter, education and vital medical supplies.
We acknowledge the different views among the Council members on the effectiveness of each aid modality in Syria. However, at this moment, the existing cross-border operation through Bab al-Hawa crossing remains the most effective option, provides a satisfactory level of transparency, and meets the basic needs of Syrian people, including women and children in the northwest, at both scale and scope as indicated by the Secretary-General’s assessment.
While Japan welcomes the renewal of the cross-border mechanism for another six months, we strongly believe that the mandate should be at least one year, as six months is not sufficient to provide the necessary assistance.
Given the dire humanitarian situation in Syria, it is critical to appropriately evaluate and address the need for early recovery activities, including basic infrastructure-related projects such as electricity and water. Japan is willing to further support such early recovery programs.
Additionally, cross-line assistance could complement cross-border assistance through meaningful cooperation by the Syrian government and other relevant actors based on this resolution. However, the cross-border mechanism remains a vital lifeline for millions of Syrians.
Finally, the Council must prioritize the needs of Syrian people, and expand its assistance through all available modalities. Japan will continuously support Syrians based on the concept of “human security” because it is our duty to alleviate the humanitarian crisis placing people at center and leaving no one behind while continuing to seek a political solution to the Syrian conflict, in line with UN Security Council resolution 2254.