
Mr. President,
First, I would like to thank Ecuador for convening today’s briefing, as the Council failed to discuss this important file since our last discussions in September.
My appreciation also goes to the Deputy to the High Representative Mr. Ebo for his briefing.
The use of chemical weapons should never be tolerated anywhere, at any time, by anyone, under any circumstance.
It is our shared responsibility to hold accountable those who have used chemical weapons and bring justice to the victims. Any Council member should not provide shelter to those responsible for committing brutal and inhumane acts against their own people.
Japan commends the professional, impartial and independent work conducted by the OPCW. We strongly oppose any attempts to undermine their invaluable work.
The use of chemical weapons by Syria remains a clear threat to international peace and security. We are gravely concerned about the continuing discrepancies, gaps and inconsistencies in Syria’s initial and subsequent declarations, as once again confirmed by the latest monthly report by the Director-General of OPCW.
On November 30, in The Hague, the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention made its position clear by deciding that the continued possession and use of chemical weapons by Syria and its failures to destroy all of its undeclared chemical weapons and production facilities, have caused serious damage to the object and purpose of the Convention.
Syria must return to full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and UNSC resolution 2118.
Mr. President,
We take note of the outcome of the recent 25th round of consultation between OPCW’s Declaration Assessment Team (DAT) and the Syrian National Authority, which was finally held in Damascus after more than two and half years since the last round of consultation.
Syria must continue their engagement and cooperation in good faith with the OPCW Technical Secretariat to resolve all outstanding issues. In particular, we are seriously concerned about the newly reported presence of undeclared chemical warfare agents, which were found at two sites in Syria during the limited in-country activities (LICA) conducted in April. Syrian Arab Republic must address this concerning issue as a matter of priority.
Mr. President
Japan reiterates our strong support for the OPCW and its Technical Secretariat in their efforts to hold the perpetrators of the use of chemical weapons accountable. We continue to urge the Syrian Government to declare and eliminate its entire chemical weapons program to prevent the recurrence of the use of chemical weapons in Syria.
Japan believes the Council should remain seized regularly on this matter.
I thank you.