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Statement by Mr. Katsuhiko Imada
Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations 
First Resumed Session of the Fifth Committee

Mr. Chairman.
          First and foremost, at the conclusion of the first resumed session, I would like to express my congratulations for the work we have achieved during this session, having gone through difficult negotiations.
Mr. Chairman,
          During these two weeks of negotiation, we were able to come to agreements that prove that the United Nations is able to deliver necessary changes in its working culture. I would like to highlight, in particular, the agreement reached relating to the rationalization of the utilization of travel resources. The committee agreed to phase out all first-class travel of UN staff on official travel, amongst other measures. We believe this is the first step toward wider reforms, not only in terms of travel resources, but in the general effort to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of the UN.
          My delegation has engaged positively and constructively in the negotiations under all the agenda items, showing flexibility whenever necessary. Taking this opportunity, we would like to commend the constructive engagement and flexibility demonstrated by all the other Member States, and to express also our appreciation for the active engagement of the coordinators, which have led us to this fruitful outcome.
          Finally, I would like to thank the Chairman, and the bureau members, and the representatives of the Secretariat for their tireless support. I hope all my colleagues will enjoy a well-deserved weekend, and we look forward to a productive second resumed session.
I thank you, Mr. Chairman.