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Statement by H.E. Ambassador Toshiya Hoshino
Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
At the Main Part of the 74th Session of the Fifth Committee
of the United Nations General Assembly
Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
At the Main Part of the 74th Session of the Fifth Committee
of the United Nations General Assembly
Mr. Chair,
At the outset, my delegation would like to congratulate you and all the Bureau members on your election and commend the Chair for assuming this very important position. My delegation looks forward to working closely with you and all the Bureau members.
In this main session, we have before us a number of important agenda items, including the 2020 Programme Budget, GSDM, special political missions, human resource management, and the UN Common System, among others.
In particular, my delegation will carefully examine the 2020 Programme Budget proposal including its methodology, mindful that this is the first annual budget on a trial basis since the implementation phase of the reform started.
Mr. Chair,
Japan believes in the importance for the UN to deliver its mandate effectively. In this regard, my delegation emphasizes that genuine budgetary discipline is essential in order for the UN to operate and deliver its mandate in an efficient, effective and sustainable manner.
Mr. Chair,
Allow me to conclude by saying that my delegation will engage in all the discussions of this session in a positive and constructive manner with a view to achieving consensus on all agenda items by the scheduled deadline.
I thank you, Mr. Chair.