
Mr. President,

          At the outset, I would like to announce that Japan has just held the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7) last week at Yokohama, Japan, from August 28th to the 30th .

<Cooperation at TICAD>
          UNDP played a critical role at the conference as a co-organizer of the event. Not only did UNDP provide valuable inputs to the discussions and outcome documents at the co-organizer’s meeting, it also utilized its extensive on-the-ground networks and strong expertise. UNDP also hosted four side-events at the conference under such themes as the promotion of private business in Africa through innovation and Universal Health Coverage. Japan would like to express our appreciation to UNDP for its contributions to the rich discussion held at those events.

          The main themes of TICAD7 were technology transfer and economic growth through the promotion of private business. Yokohama Declaration 2019 adopted at the conference, under the theme: “Advancing Africa’s Development through People, Technology, and Innovation,” focuses primarily on three pillars; namely, economy, society, peace and stability, and aims to advance inclusive and sustainable growth in Africa through these three pillars. Japan will be deeply engaged in the follow-up of TICAD7 in order to achieve tangible resultsin collaboration with various initiatives lead by UNDP. 

Mr. President,

< Financial Situation for 2018 and Japan’s contribution in 2019 >
          We value UNDP’s commitment to enhance efficiency, and encourage UNDP to continue its efforts to expand its donor-base, which are fundamental to ensure sustainable funding. Japan continues to operate under severe fiscal constraints, but in view of our high evaluation of UNDP and our understanding of the importance of regular resources, we made a contribution of 64.5 million US dollars to UNDP’s core resources last month, an increase from last year, in addition to the $216 million US dollars already disbursed as a contribution to non-core resources earlier this year. We expect that services of high quality will continue to be delivered by UNDP on the ground, for both core and non-core resources.

<Financing the SDGs>
          The importance of putting the SDGs at the heart of the Financial System was highlighted at the Interactive Dialogue in the morning. As this year’s holder of the Presidency of the Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development, Japan is determined to lead the discussions in this area, building on the knowledge and insights of DESA, UNDP and OECD.

Thank you.