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Statement by H.E. Ambassador Toshiya Hoshino
Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
Agenda item 138
Improving the financial situation of the United Nations
Second resumed session of the Fifth Committee
Thank you, Madame Chair.
         At the outset, I would like to thank His Excellency, Secretary-General António Guterres, for introducing his proposals with respect to improving of the financial situation of the United Nations, and Mr. Cihan Terzi, Chair of the ACABQ, for introducing its report.
         Financial health of the organization is a matter of great importance for all Member States. We have paid close attention to the financial situation of the organization explained by the Secretariat, including the Secretary-General himself, and carefully listened to the concerns and proposals of the Secretary-General.
Madame Chair,
         My delegation looks forward to discussing in a constructive manner all proposals of the Secretary-General to find the most effective and feasible solution to the current financial situation we are facing. We note that the Secretary-General provides a wide range of proposals, including a mechanism to allow cross-borrowing among active peacekeeping missions while maintaining separate fund balances and accounts. Our delegation looks forward to further details and clarifications on this proposal as well as others.
         At the same time, we also face a time constraint to discuss this agenda in this Second Part of the Resumed Session in which time-bound negotiations are underway on PKO budgets. In this connection, Japan is of the view that we should prioritize our discussions, and believes that focus should be given to those proposals related to financial mechanism of PKO budgets.
         In concluding, we look forward to discussing the proposals of the Secretary-General to improve the financial situation of the United Nations during this session with a view to reaching a consensual outcome.
I thank you, Madame Chair.