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Thank you, Distinguished Colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the outset, I would like to express my appreciation to my fellow participants for coming to today’s event during the meeting of the UNFPA Executive Board. I would also like to thank the co-organizers, His Excellency Ambassador Jürg Lauber, Permanent Representative of Switzerland, Ms. Suzanne Steensen and the team from the MOPAN Secretariat, and Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem and colleagues from UNFPA for making this launch possible.
Japan, together with Switzerland, has been a co-lead of the MOPAN Assessment of UNFPA since we kicked off the process at our Mission two years ago. We are gratified to be able to launch the final report based on extensive hearings, assessments and evaluations conducted by the MOPAN Secretariat.
Our primary aim for which we took on this role was to address the growing interest of the Japanese people on the effective use of financial contributions to international organizations. Also, we believed that the MOPAN assessment would facilitate more efficient and effective management at UNFPA, which was at a critical juncture tasked with an ever more important mandate while facing financial challenges.
This was the first time we have co-led an assessment since we joined MOPAN, and we found the experience very informative and educational in familiarizing ourselves with MOPAN’s robust assessment cycle and methodologies. This will certainly be useful when we assume the Chair of MOPAN in 2020.
We are glad to see that MOPAN’s overall assessment of UNFPA was positive. Among numerous encouraging findings we see that the human resources function has become a strong asset, the evaluation process and key management system have improved, and risk management and risk awareness among the staff follow good practices. There is still some room for improvement, including on population and big data analytics, but we expect that these findings will be duly shared with the Member States and will contribute to the on-going discussions at the Executive Board to strengthen the management of UNFPA.
I would once again like to thank the MOPAN and UNFPA Secretariats and Swiss colleagues for their tremendous support and assistance in the assessment process. I assure you our commitment as the incoming Chair of MOPAN in 2020 and seek your kind support.
I look forward to discussions and further collaborations.