第72回国連総会第6委員会 議題109「国際テロ撲滅措置」に関する長谷部参事官ステートメント(英文)
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Mr. Chairman,First of all, I would like to join others in congratulating you on your election as the chairman of the Sixth Committee. I assure you of my delegation’s full support during this session. I also congratulate the other Bureau members on their appointments. Japan looks forward to working closely with you and all delegations.
Mr. Chairman,
Despite the adoption of resolution A/RES/71/151 on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism by the General Assembly last December, a number of terrorist attacks unfortunately continued to occur around the world. Japan reiterates its strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms as well as its deep commitment to fighting terrorism.
This threat requires urgent and coordinated international efforts, with the United Nations playing a critical role. Japan welcomes the creation of the Office of Counter-Terrorism by General Assembly Resolution A/RES/71/291 in June this year. We hope that this new office will efficiently and effectively coordinate counter-terrorism activities among UN agencies.
Mr. Chairman,
We welcome the adoption of a series of counter-terrorism resolutions by the Security Council, including, most recently, S/RES/2370 on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons and S/RES/2368 updating sanctions imposed on ISIL (Da’esh), Al Qaida and associated individuals and groups, both adopted unanimously. Japan has long stressed the importance of full implementation. As part of this effort, last September, Japan announced that it would provide 45 billion yen in comprehensive counter-terrorism support in Asia and help train 2,000 counter-terrorism personnel over the following three years. Under this programme, Japan has emphasized the reinforcement of border security, capacity building for law enforcement agencies, and the creation of tolerant societies through poverty alleviation as well as educational and vocational support.
Mr. Chairman,
Robust domestic preparations in this area are critical. As host for the 2019 Rugby World Cup and the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Japan is further strengthening and accelerating various security measures. These include police guidance for private businesses which handle swords, firearms, explosives and chemical substances which could potentially be used to make bombs.
Japan also underlines the importance of developing a strong legal counter-terrorism regime. In order to strengthen international cooperation against transnational organized crimes including terrorism, Japan, as a State party of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and two of its supplementing protocols, will cooperate more effectively with each State Party on investigation assistance and extradition.
Mr. Chairman,
I would like to conclude by reaffirming Japan’s strong commitment to the elimination of terrorism. We look forward to continued UN leadership in this field.
I thank you.