
Madam President,
First, I would like to thank Deputy to the High Representative, Mr. Ebo for his briefing.
In May, the Fifth Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) provided an invaluable opportunity to address a wide range of topics related to chemical weapons.
It is regrettable that despite the dedicated efforts and intensive negotiations among the States Parties, we were unable to reach a consensus on an outcome document of the Conference.
Nevertheless, during the Review Conference, 57 States Parties united in a joint statement to reaffirm their strong condemnation against the use, and threat of use, of chemical weapons by anyone, anywhere, at any time and under any circumstance, including by the Syrian Arab Airforce, as the Investigation and Identification Team (IIT) concluded in its report.
The use of chemical weapons by Syria remains a threat to international peace and security. We must express deep concerns regarding the continuing discrepancies, gaps and inconsistencies in Syria’s initial and subsequent declarations, as once again confirmed by the latest monthly report by the Director-General of OPCW.
Japan urges Syria to engage in good faith with the OPCW Technical Secretariat and provide all requested documents to solve the outstanding issues related to the initial and subsequent declarations submitted by Syria.
We welcome the continued efforts undertaken by the OPCW and its Technical Secretariat to address all outstanding issues, including the second round of limited in-country activities conducted by the Declaration Assessment Team (DAT).
However, a reduced team without any technical consultations with the Syrian National Authority can never be considered sufficient.
We urge the Syrian Government to fully comply with its obligations under the CWC and Security Council resolution 2118 by granting full and unhindered access to DAT staff to verify compliance.
We also deplore the lack of progress in organizing a high-level meeting between the Director-General of OPCW and the Syrian Foreign Minister, as well as the next round of consultations between the DAT and the Syrian National Authority.
Madam President,
The Security Council cannot remain silent and allow impunity for those responsible for the use of chemical weapons against their own people.
Japan reiterates our strong support for the OPCW and its Technical Secretariat in their efforts to hold the perpetrators of the use of chemical weapons accountable and to ensure the complete elimination of chemical weapons in Syria.
I thank you, Madam President.