

Mr. Chair, I will refrain from repeating our well-known position, but I have to state that the earlier reference of the DPRK on Japan is erroneous and groundless, and is therefore not acceptable.
Mr. Chair,
I am attending this Committee as the Special Advisor to the Japanese delegation on the recommendations of Japanese women’s NGOs, a practice continuing since 1957. I will actively participate in this Committee, with the belief that achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment is the key to the advancement of women.
Mr. Chair,
Let me first highlight our domestic efforts in this regard. Towards realization of a gender-equal society and to promote women’s empowerment, the Government formulated a relevant “Policy Package”, namely the “Basic Policy on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women” in June this year. The “Policy Package” puts together measures on women’s empowerment to be taken this fiscal year and next, and it consists of four pillars : (1) women’s economic empowerment, (2) realizing a society in which women can live with dignity and pride, (3) men’s engagement in families and communities, and (4) achieving the goals for appointment of women.
Mr. Chair,
Secondly, I would like to highlight that Japan has provided platforms for global discussion on this agenda. Since 2014, the Government has hosted the World Assembly for Women “WAW!” to promote women’s empowerment and to discuss the complex challenges facing gender equality with leading experts from various fields, including Member States and UN representatives. Active discussions have been held on themes such as diversity, the changing world, leadership, sexual and reproductive health and rights. I am pleased to announce that the next “WAW!” symposium will be held in December this year. I trust that WAW! will provide further opportunities for global collaboration and tangible results for the shared mission.   
Mr. Chair,

Thirdly, at the United Nations, Japan and Sierra Leone co-facilitated a new resolution this year on international cooperation for access to justice, remedies and assistance for survivors of sexual violence, adopted by consensus during the 76th Session of the General Assembly in September. I am pleased to emphasize that this is the very first GA resolution focusing on sexual violence, and Member States affirmed commitments to this cause.    

In regards to collaboration with United Nations entities, during the High Level Week in September, Prime Minister of Japan, KISHIDA Fumio assumed the role of a HeForShe champion, a UN Women-led initiative for men and people of all genders to create a bold, visible and united force for gender equality. Besides high-level partnerships, Japan has continuously supported UN Women on the ground. This year, Japan provided about 13.8 million USD to UN Women, which includes support to women and girls in response to and recovery from the pandemic, including through economic empowerment and leadership in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
Mr. Chair,

Lastly, in addition to gender equality and women’s empowerment, the Women, Peace and Security agenda remains a priority for Japan. Japan has consistently supported the work of the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict to support the empowerment of conflict-affected women and girls in the Middle East and Africa, as well as the improvement of judicial systems for preventing sexual violence in conflict. As a Security Council member in 2023-2024, Japan will continue its work on WPS in collaboration with relevant countries and agencies.
Mr. Chair,
Japan reaffirms its commitment to the advancement of women and will further strengthen its efforts based on the concept of human security in the new era.
I thank you.