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Madame President,
I would like to thank South Africa for convening this meeting focusing on the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPS) toward the 20th anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1325 next year. Japan welcomes the adoption of the new resolution, which we co-sponsored.
Japan attaches great importance to promoting the WPS Agenda under the leadership of Prime Minister Abe as one of the three core pillars of Japan’s efforts to create a “society where women shine”.
Resolution 1325 was a historic resolution which recognized women not as passive and vulnerable victims but rather as proactive participants who contribute to conflict prevention, resolution and peace-processes.
Today, I would like to renew Japan’s commitment to strengthen the implementation of the WPS Agenda building on the outcome of our efforts based on this landmark resolution 1325 and subsequent resolutions.
Madame President,
Japan strongly supports the International Fund for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, which will be launched at the event to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Mandate on Sexual Violence in Conflict tomorrow.
Japan wishes to be a proactive contributor and a board member of the fund. We are currently making the necessary arrangements to make an appropriate financial contribution to the Fund.
Sexual violence in conflict is a great obstacle for sustaining peace. The UN Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict provides crucial assistance to relevant governments, particularly in the areas of criminal investigation and prosecution, legislative reform and capacity building of judicial and security authorities. Japan, as a leading donor, will continue to support the efforts of the Team of Experts.
Gender equality and the economic and political empowerment of women are necessary to promote meaningful participation by women in peace and security. From this standpoint, Japan has supported conflict-affected women in the Middle East and Africa regions. We have done this through gender-based violence related services and vocational training in collaboration with UN-Women, UNFPA and the other UN agencies.
From next January, Japan will support the UN-Women project in Sri Lanka under the G7 WPS Partnership Initiative. This project will include support to the empowering women and their participation in national reconciliation processes.
Madame President,
In conclusion, the WPS Agenda is one of the most important issues discussed in the Security Council. I believe strong commitments from the member states and concrete actions will push forward the WPS Agenda over the 20th anniversary of resolution 1325 next year and beyond.
I thank you.