安保理決議第1373号履行に関する安保理ブリーフィングにおける別所大使ステートメント (英文)


Mr. President,
          I would like to begin by welcoming Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov to his post as head of the newly-created Office of Counter-Terrorism.  I would also like to thank Under-Secretary-General Voronkov, Ambassador Aboulatta, Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, and Mr. Scharia of CTED, for their briefings on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001).
          It has been sixteen years since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 and the adoption of resolution 1373. Despite the international community’s numerous counter-terrorism efforts since then, we continue to witness terrorist attacks all over the world with alarming frequency.  
          This year alone in Europe, we saw serious terrorist attacks in London, Manchester and Barcelona.  In Asia, a group claiming to be “ISIL East Asia” has been fighting with the government over the city of Marawi in the Philippines since May.  The threat posed by terrorists is evolving globally, particularly with Foreign Terrorists Fighters (FTFs) returning to their countries of origin or relocating to other regions.
          In addition, we are alarmed by terrorists’ evolving tactics, which include diversifying financial sources, disseminating propaganda through social media, exploiting encrypted applications, and using broken travel.  We have heard reports of the use of bitcoin and drones.
          In response to terrorists’ evolving tactics, we must enhance our capacities and vigorously implement counter-terrorism resolutions.  In addition to resolution 1373, the Council has recently adopted resolutions on aviation security (2309), international judicial cooperation (2322), protection of critical infrastructure (2341), counter-narratives (2354) and preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons (2370). The adoption of these resolutions is important, but their full implementation is vital.
          Japan has implemented these resolutions and developed new measures in response to terrorists’ evolving tactics. For example, we recently enacted laws to prevent terrorists from using bitcoin and virtual currencies, and to prohibit drones from flying over critical facilities, embassies, and nuclear plants.
          To strengthen international judicial cooperation against transnational organized crimes including terrorism, Japan, as a State Party of UNTOC (UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime) and two of its supplementing protocols, will cooperate more effectively with each State Party in investigation assistance and extradition.
          The terrorist threat is global, and we must extend assistance to those in need as part of our collective response. Japan, for example, provided 35 million USD this March, mainly to Southeast Asia, in light of the increasing threat in this region. This will be used to facilitate implementation of relevant resolutions through concrete projects, including on Advance Passenger Information, international judicial cooperation, INTERPOL databases and counter-propaganda. Japan will continue to work closely with CTC and CTED toward full implementation of resolution 1373 and other relevant resolutions.

          The new Office of Counter-Terrorism (OCT) is expected to greatly enhance coordination of counter-terrorism measures in all Member States.  We should build on this momentum.  Japan looks forward to close collaboration with OCT and Under-Secretary-General Voronkov.
          The Council must be united in fighting terrorism by implementing our resolutions, including resolution 1373, and further developing our counter-terrorism measures.
I thank you, Mr. President.