Japan welcomes the unanimous adoption of resolution 2368. Japan co-sponsored the resolution. I would like to express my gratitude to the United States for taking the lead on drafting this important resolution. We have witnessed a large number of terrorist attacks around the world since the adoption of resolution 2253 in December 2015, and tactics are evolving. It was clear that we must step up our measures by reviewing resolution 2253.
There are a number of new paragraphs in today’s resolution to address recent terrorist trends. I would especially like to highlight paragraph 38 on returning and relocating foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) and paragraph 35 on Passenger Name Records (PNR).
While ISIL is experiencing military setbacks in Iraq and Syria, the threat is spreading globally. FTFs are returning to their countries of origin, and transiting through, traveling to, or relocating to other Member States. For example, as the Secretary-General’s report of 31 May indicates, the threat level has intensified in Southeast Asia due to returnees and re-locators to this region. Given this global phenomenon, all Member States must enhance their measures against FTF returnees and re-locators.
In addressing this issue, we must bear in mind that FTFs’ tactics are evolving, including through the use of “broken travel” techniques. Passenger Name Records (PNRs) are one effective measure to detect these FTFs. Today’s resolution is the first to call upon Member States to use and develop PNRs. PNRs contain passengers’ booking information, including itineraries, names of traveling companions and payment methods. By analyzing PNRs, we can uncover suspicious travel patterns, the flow of terrorist actors and funds, and ultimately terrorist networks. I stress the importance of PNRs and encourage all Member States who have not yet done so to employ PNR systems as soon as possible. To my knowledge, only 15 of 193 Member States have introduced PNR systems thus far.
In closing, I stress the importance of moving from adoption to implementation. Japan is always ready to work closely with other countries to enhance their capacities in this area. We must unite against ISIL and other terrorist groups by implementing this and related resolutions to further enhance our counter-terrorism measures.
I thank you, Mr. President.