

Statement by Ms. ABO Ai,
First secretary, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
Second Resumed Session of the Fifth Committee
Of the 77th U.N. General Assembly

Mr. Chair,
My delegation would like to express our sincere appreciation to Your Excellency for your able leadership in guiding the work of this Committee. We are similarly very grateful to all the members of the Bureau and the Secretariat, including the Fifth Committee Secretariat and FOFD, for their hard work and valuable support.
Mr. Chair,
Japan has been and remains a strong supporter of UN Peacekeeping Operations. Japan welcomes that the Committee agreed to provide adequate and necessary funding to the 2023/24 Peacekeeping budget, which enables missions not only to continue to deliver their critical mandates while uncertainties still remain in the field, but also to ensure the safety, security, and health of their personnel.
During the budget negotiations, there were critical moments when an agreement seemed impossible, however, we are glad that we could overcome these difficulties, fill in the gaps, and find solutions to make a consensus possible. Also during this session, for the first time in recent history, we succeeded in negotiating on a mission-by-mission basis until the end thanks to the leadership of the African Group.
Mr. Chair,
It was regrettable that we could not adopt a cross-cutting resolution this year, following the successful adoption last year. Japan believes that the Committee has a responsibility to provide guidance to the Secretariat on a wide range of significant policy issues. We strongly hope that next year the Committee will be able to fulfill this responsibility.
We are also compelled to mention the agenda item on ‘Investing in prevention and peacebuilding’, which the Committee was not able to reach consensus on in this session either. My delegation sincerely hopes that the Member States will continue to seek ways to ensure adequate, predictable, and sustained financing for peacebuilding.
Mr. Chair,
We would like to welcome H.E. Mr. Osama Mahmoud Abdel Khalek Mahmoud of Egypt, as the incoming Chair of the Fifth Committee of the 78th Session of the General Assembly. In the coming year, we look forward to working with him and his team, as well as all delegations, in the spirit of constructive cooperation, consensus building, and compromise.
Finally, in closing, allow me once again to express my heartfelt appreciation and warm congratulations to Your Excellency and your team for their outstanding work and tireless efforts as the Chair of the Fifth Committee of the 77th Session.
Thank you.