Statement by State Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. YAMADA Kenji at the United Nations Security Council High Level Open Debate on “Famine and Conflict Induced Global Food Insecurity”
1. Introduction
● Mr. President, Japan welcomes the issuance of the PRST and commends all the tireless work of you and your US team, as well as constructive efforts made by each fellow Member State. It is critical that the Council speak in one voice on its commitment to address conflict-induced food insecurity.
Mr. President and Colleagues,
● Japan is seriously concerned that a huge number of people are facing famine and other food insecurity, caused by conflict and climate change.
● Food is a basic human need. Thus, it should not be weaponized at any time.
2. Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine
● Every day, we hear voices of food insecurity caused by man-made conflict.
● Japan deeply regrets Russia’s decision to unilaterally terminate its participation in the Black Sea Grain Initiative which had allowed grain exports from Ukraine and contributed to global food security.
● Russia has wasted tremendous amounts of grain by attacking grain storages and loading terminals in Odesa and along the Danube. Meanwhile, Russia announced that it will replace Ukraine in supplying grains to African countries. We should not accept Russia’s attempt to weaponize food, to destroy grains in Ukraine, while increasing its own exports.
● Japan strongly urges Russia to return to the international framework associated with the UN to resume grain exports from Ukraine in order to relieve food insecurity in the world. Japan also continues to support EU-led “Solidarity Lanes”, which works to ensure Ukraine can export grain.
3. Famine and Conflict-induced Food Insecurity
Mr. President and Colleagues,
● The UN and this Council should play their roles in combatting food security issues, while exerting their influence and solidarity.
● Addressing famine and conflict-induced food insecurity requires not only short-term efforts such as emergency food assistance, but also medium-and long-term actions based on the concept of human security, such as strengthening the resilience of food systems. Efforts to prevent conflicts, which are root causes of food insecurity, is also important. In this context, Japan believes that it would be beneficial to reduce future humanitarian needs by addressing a comprehensive way through Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus approach.
4. Japan’s Efforts
Mr. President and Colleagues,
● Food security and humanitarian assistance have been top priorities for Japan. We have a long history of providing various assistances and international cooperation, including humanitarian aid, necessary for those suffering from famine and conflict- induced food insecurity.
● Japan has also spoken out about the necessity of humanitarian passage on the Black Sea to ship grains from Ukraine just after Russia’s aggression.
● Japan is proud to have issued the “Hiroshima Statement for Resilient Global Food Security” in May, together with countries representing various regions around the world. It can be a comprehensive guideline for responding to the immediate food security crisis and for establishing resilient agriculture and food systems in the medium- and long-term.
5. North Korea
● Before closing, allow me to touch upon the issue of famine and food insecurity in East Asia and beyond.
● In North Korea, it is reported that many people are suffering from severe hunger. On the other hand, North Korea is spending vast resources on unlawful nuclear and missile development, by diverting critically needed resources away from its people at tremendous cost.
● Violating multiple UN Security Council resolutions, North Korea has been repeatedly launching ballistic missiles and threatening peace and stability in East Asia, even now.
Mr. President and colleagues,
● It is extremely regrettable that the Security Council has not been able to take tangible action on this matter. The Council must overcome its prolonged silence, and take meaningful steps with a united voice.
● We sincerely ask for your understanding and support. Thank you.