
(Check Against Delivery)
Thank you, Mr. President,
            At the outset, Japan would like to commend the continued active role of the Executive Board and the demonstrated leadership of Executive Director Fore in advancing the mandate of UNICEF. Japan looks forward to further strengthening our co-operation with UNICEF as its mandate to protect them and preserve their rights is more important than ever, and is well aligned with the concept of human security that we subscribe to.
Mr. President,
            Japan will host the G20 Osaka Summit this month and the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7) in August. These important meetings will cover a number of development agendas centering on the SDGs such as education, health, empowerment of women, disaster risk reduction, and climate change among others. These are all closely related to UNICEF’s activities. As such, Japan appreciates UNICEF’s valuable inputs and contributions so far, and looks forward to its continued close collaboration to bring about concrete positive results on the ground through these meetings.
            In this connection, Japan will further strengthen thematic cooperation with UNICEF. For example, in view of promoting Universal Health Coverage (UHC), Japan will co-host a high-level immunization event with UNICEF to build broad-based public trust and demand for immunization as a cornerstone of UHC on the 28th of June here in New York.
In the field of education, Japan welcomes UNICEF’s initiative to develop a new education strategy, which is well in line with the G20 Development Working Group discussions under Japan’s presidency. Japan-UNICEF cooperation on education culminated in the formulation of SDGs learning material for students which we distributed to all junior high schools across the county. With these materials, all Japanese children can now learn extensively about the SDGs both in Japanese and English.
            In the field of nutrition, Japan would like to further promote cooperation with UNICEF, including a partnership with the private sector, toward the Tokyo Nutrition Summit 2020 that Japan will host in 2020.
Mr. President,
Japan would like to commend UNICEF for playing a critical role in key aspects of the UNDS reform, including doubling its agency contribution to the Resident Coordinator (RC) system, capacity building for SDGs data collection, and the pooling of UNICEF staff and encouraging applications to RC positions.
Emphasizes the need to ensure full achievement of the efficiency gains envisioned in the report of the Secretary-General on the repositioning the United Nations development system in a timely manner and to redeploy these efficiency gains for development activities, including coordination, in line with GA Resolution 72/279;
Mr. President,
            Finally, with regard to its contributions for 2019, Japan commits to contribute around 19.4 million US dollars to UNICEF for its core budget, in addition to the 72.7 million USD which we have also disbursed to its non-core budget.
Also, Japan is pleased to contribute more than 54 million USD for 2019 to partners including UNICEF, who have been working to address and respond to sexual and gender-based violence, and promoting gender equality especially in humanitarian settings.
            In light of the current severe situations surrounding children in many parts of the world, Japan considers it important for the international community to make concerted efforts to help children and protect and promote their rights in collaboration with UNICEF. Japan remains fundamentally committed to its close cooperative relationship with UNICEF, and will continue to support its activities in all avenues.
I thank you.