Statement by H.E. Ambassador YAMAZAKI Kazuyuki, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, Ambassadorial-level PBC-AUPSC Consultative Meeting


(As delivered)
Thank you, Chairs.
I also thank both Secretariats for their presentations and the statements by distinguished colleagues.
Japan is delighted to note the strengthening of the partnership between the AU and UN at all levels. Today’s meeting is one such example, along with the holding of the annual UNSC-AUPSC joint consultative meeting next week and the annual conference between the UN Secretary-General and the AU Commission Chairperson at the end of this month. We also welcome the decision to extend a standing invitation to the AU to all PBC meetings.

This enhanced partnership is vital as we continue to witness formidable challenges on the continent including armed conflicts, the spread of terrorism and violent extremism, political instability, humanitarian crises, the severe adverse effects of climate change, and stagnant socio-economic development.
In this regard, I want to highlight two points.
First is the importance of adopting an inclusive Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus approach that places human security at the centre of our efforts, when tackling these challenges. Coordination and cooperation are needed not only between the UN and AU but also from all stakeholders including sub-regional mechanisms, regional and international financial institutions, and civil society. Full, equal, meaningful, and safe participation of women, youth and marginalized groups in these efforts is also essential. The UN Peacebuilding Commission offers an excellent platform that should be further utilised for such efforts with its unique mandate and through its advisory, bridging, and convening role.

Second is the need to focus more on conflict prevention. The political, social, economic, and humanitarian costs of conflict are high and the impact devastating. We need to further raise awareness so that conflict prevention is incorporated into all deliberations, strategy and action planning, and implementation and response. That is why Japan, as a Security Council member, held two Open Debates during our Presidencies and chaired an Arria Formula meeting with Guyana and Mozambique, on conflict prevention and sustaining peace. We are pleased that the Pact for the Future, which was adopted by consensus, reaffirmed our collective commitment to preventive diplomacy, and recognized the importance of the UN’s partnerships with regional and subregional organisations to prevent and resolve conflicts.
Japan remains committed to further strengthening the effectiveness of this partnership and will continue to contribute to the discussions on the 2025 Review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture, which serves as a good opportunity for further deliberations on cooperation between the PBC and the AUPSC.
I thank you.