Statement by Mr. TAMAURA Shu, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, at the PBC meeting on the Transition Roadmap in Chad

Thank you, Chair, for this opportunity, and we appreciate all the distinguished briefers for their valuable input.
Chad is the linchpin of regional stability.  The Transition Roadmap charts the way forward for peaceful elections, and must be steadily implemented. Japan continues to join international endeavors to support promoting smooth transition in Chad.
Strengthening governance through institution and capacity building, and mitigating human security crises are core themes of Japan’s approach.
First, armed groups, organized crimes, human trafficking are rampant through porous borders in the region. Insecurity in the Sahel and neighboring countries easily spread beyond borders, affecting the most vulnerable including women and children. For this challenge, Japan has been providing counterterrorism equipment including pickup trucks and wireless communication system in order to boost the capacity of Chadian security authorities. 
Second, further efforts are necessary to build a stable socio-economic environment conducive to the planned national dialogues and subsequent elections. The dire situations further exacerbated by climate change and COVID-19 pandemic demand immediate support from the international community. In responding to the urgent call from Chadian authorities, Japan has been providing food assistance through WFP. Japan has also been cooperating to establish cold chain network for vaccination together with UNICEF, strengthening a vital health system for basic human needs.   
Japan continues to stand by the aspiration of Chadian people and support its development.
I thank you.