Statement by Mr. SUZUKI Yukio, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, On Agenda item 141: Proposed programme budget 2021 Review of the Implementation of the Peace and Security Reform at the Main Part of the 75th Session of the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly

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Mr. Chair,
          I would first like to thank Ms. Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Chef de Cabinet, and Mr. Abdallah Bachar Bong, Chair of the ACABQ, for introducing their respective reports.
Mr. Chair,
          First of all, we would like to express our appreciation for the ongoing efforts of the Secretariat and the field missions to implement the peace and security reform based on General Assembly resolution 72/262 C. The Secretary-General’s first report reviewing the implementation of the peace and security reform illustrates the progress made so far. I am pleased to see the benefits which have materialized at this early stage of the reform.
          However, reform is an evolving process which involves not only structural but also cultural changes, and requires the continuous effort and engagement of the Secretariat and its staff. We therefore consider it is important to monitor and review the progress of the implementation so that the reform can achieve the four goals outlined by the Secretary-General in his report. At the same time, we expect that the reform will also contribute to greater effectiveness and efficiency of the delivery of its mandates, as well as fiscal discipline and judicious use of resources.
          From this perspective, we look forward to hearing from the Secretariat particularly how the reform contributed to bringing effectiveness and efficiency by avoiding overlap and duplication in the policy structures of the peace and security pillar, realizing smoother transition from peacekeeping operations to special political missions or non-mission settings, and enabling closer collaboration among the peacekeeping and special political missions that operate in the same region.
          Japan also welcomes the effort of the Secretariat to improve transparency and provide accountability through the Benefit Management Framework. We would like to emphasize that appropriate evaluation is contingent upon factors including adequate indicators and targets, clear linkage with quantitative and qualitative evaluation, and proper reflection of the voices of the field missions. We trust that the Member States will be kept fully informed in a timely manner of the implementation and further achievements of the reform.
Mr. Chair,
          In conclusion, let me assure you that my delegation is committed to positive and constructive engagement in the upcoming discussion on this agenda item.
Thank you.