Statement by H.E. Ambassador SHINO Mitsuko, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, at the Ambassadorial-Level Meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) on the Liberia Configuration

Thank you, Madam Chair, for convening this meeting.
I also thank the briefers for the updates.
At the outset, Japan applauds the efforts and achievements of the Liberian Government to build lasting peace in the country. This is all the more commendable considering the insecurity and turmoil that the region of western Africa has been facing in recent years.
On 10 October 2023, the international community will be watching Liberia as it conducts its first presidential and general elections since taking full ownership after the withdrawal of UNMIL. The success of these elections will be a significant milestone, not only for Liberia in its journey of consolidating peace and democracy, but also for the region as a shining example. Japan welcomes the firm commitment expressed by the Liberian Government to work towards conducting peaceful, transparent, and inclusive elections.
On this note, I would like to highlight three points:
First, in order for the elections to be a success, the people of Liberia should be able to express their voices and cast their votes freely and without intimidation. Japan therefore calls upon all stakeholders to refrain from any actions that might hinder the democratic process, including the dissemination of disinformation and misinformation, acts of violence, and human rights violations.
Second, we stress the importance of the equal participation of both women and men. Japan looks forwards to the effective implementation of the revised New Elections Bill and the Protocol and Action Plan, which will ensure that women comprise 30 percent of senior political party leadership and that the political parties focus on the prevention of violence and threats against women in elections and politics.
Third, it is important to approach the root causes of impediments to human security as well as peace and stability. At the TICAD 8 held in August, Japan announced that it will support Africa's own efforts to achieve peace and stability, under the New Approach for Peace and Stability in Africa (NAPSA).
In this regard, Japan has long provided support to Liberia in its efforts to consolidate peace and democracy and promote socio-economic stability and institution-building. This year, Japan provided bilateral grant aid of over 2 million USD to enhance food security, and conducted training programmes on electoral management and on eradicating sexual and gender-based violence, among others.
To conclude, Japan remains committed to continuing our cooperation with Liberia and to supporting its endeavour towards establishing lasting peace.
I thank you.