Explanation of Vote by Japan, delivered by H.E. Ambassador OSUGA Takeshi, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, on Agenda item 64 (a) New Partnership for Africa’s Development: progress in implementation and international support

Mr. President,
At a time when greater cooperation for Africa is called for, Japan attaches much importance to African-led initiatives in support of sustainable development of the continent.
Japan has been a longstanding partner and supporter of NEPAD since its establishment in 2001. As enshrined in the principles of both NEPAD and TICAD, African ownership and partnerships are in our collective interests. Japan plays its part, under the MoU signed by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and NEPAD, to deliver on our long-term objectives of Africa’s sustainable growth and development.
Japan believes that building stronger multilateral and multi-sectoral partnerships is key to bolstering the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic towards inclusive and sustainable development. We value NEPAD’s unique role in enhancing regional and global collaboration by sharing best practices, fostering innovation and job creation, helping the continent to keep trade and investment flowing and diversified.
In this context, it is with great regret that Japan could not support this resolution due to non-consensus-based language in the operative paragraph 43: “win-win cooperation which can bring huge gains to all.” We are disappointed with this result and strongly hope that next year, the NEPAD resolution will not be undermined by such language that inevitably triggers voting and hampers consensus.
Before concluding, I thank the co-facilitators and coordinators, the Permanent Missions of Ethiopia, Algeria, Nigeria and Senegal, for their efforts to find a solution to this issue. Japan remains strongly committed to supporting economic transformation of Africa including through TICAD, which is an open, transparent and inclusive platform to discuss African development with all partners.
I thank you.