Statement by H.E. Ambassador OSUGA Takeshi, Deputy Permanent Representative and Chargé d'affaires ad interim of Japan to the United Nations, at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate “Peace and security in Africa∶ capacity-building for sustaining peace” (Partially in French / With partial English translation)


Monsieur le Président,
Je voudrais vous remercier d'avoir organisé ce débat public sur un thème important: le renforcement des capacités pour le maintien de la paix en Afrique, qui nous est si cher. Par "nous", j'entends les participants à la TICAD, la Conférence internationale de Tokyo sur le développement de l'Afrique, et en particulier ses coorganisateurs, notamment la Commission de l'Union africaine, l’ONU, le PNUD et la Banque mondiale.
En raison du COVID-19 et de l'invasion russe de l'Ukraine, l'Afrique est aujourd'hui confrontée à des complexités indues qui ont exacerbé les tensions et les problèmes de sécurité. L'absence de paix et de stabilité durables entravera sérieusement le développement de l'Afrique. Il est plus que jamais nécessaire de s'attaquer aux causes profondes des conflits, du terrorisme et de l'extrémisme violent, afin de remettre l'Afrique sur la voie du développement durable.
Depuis sa création en 1993, la TICAD a souligné l'importance du renforcement des capacités de l'Afrique. Et depuis la TICAD III en 2003, elle a ajouté à son agenda la "consolidation de la paix" et discuté des causes profondes des conflits en vue de prévenir leur récurrence et de parvenir à un développement durable. Depuis la TICAD 7 en 2019, sous la bannière du NAPSA, "Nouvelle approche pour la paix et la stabilité en Afrique," le Japon soutient la création d'institutions dirigées par l'Afrique, le renforcement des capacités et l'établissement d'une gouvernance résiliente
Mr. President,
With these track record in mind, I would like to explain four key elements that need to be respected in promoting capacity-building for sustaining peace.
First, respecting Africa’s ownership. We should support African-led efforts for conflict prevention and peacebuilding in line with the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda. This will include, inter alia, efforts for consolidating democracy and restoring constitutional order, promoting sustainable development through inclusive growth and addressing inequality, and realizing a resilient society to ensure human security and dignity. We look forward to discussing these issues at the upcoming TICAD 8, to be held later this month in Tunisia.
Second, institution-building must be our priority to bring stability in conflict-affected countries. Japan is proud to have provided assistance to African countries to strengthen their institutional capacity in the judicial, administrative and legislative sectors to ensure the rule of law. Strong institutions are essential for delivering socio-economic services to people and for building their trust in the government. We are happy to see our support to strengthen health and medical systems in Africa has proven instrumental in their effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  
Third, investing in “people”. Capacity-building is needed at the level of individuals who will engage in the activities for peacebuilding, nation building and sustainable development. At TICAD V in 2013, then Prime Minister Abe launched African Business Education Initiative for Youth, in short, “ABE initiative.” It empowers African youth who will contribute to the industrial development in Africa by providing scholarships and internships. By 2021, approximately 1,500 young Africans have participated in this program.
Fourth, effective partnerships. “Ownership and international partnership” have always been the credo of TICAD since its first meeting almost 30 years ago. True partnership to support national efforts to bring peace, stability and sustainable development in Africa should not be driven by commercial, financial or other interests of another country. Transparency is the key. Development finance must adhere to international rules and standards. To promote effective partnerships, we should make full use of the Peacebuilding Commission. It has a unique bridging and convening role as a platform where all relevant actors can come together to consider specific challenges to sustaining peace.
To conclude, Japan looks forward to TICAD 8 to have fruitful discussions on how to advance African development.
Thank you.