Statement by Dr. MIZUTA Shinichi, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, at the Peacebuilding Commission Ambassadorial-level meeting on the Great Lakes Region

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Thank you, Chair, for organizing this meeting, and also all the briefers for their valuable input.
Building and consolidating peace in the Great Lakes region is essential for the sustainable peace and development of the entire African continent. Continued attacks against civilians and human rights violations are grave concerns, especially in the eastern DRC. The signatory countries, together with the guarantors, must make well-coordinated efforts to fully implement the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the Region.
In this regard, Japan welcomes and supports the ongoing regional initiatives, including the Nairobi process and the Luanda process. Military and non-military measures must come in a synergetic manner aligned with MONUSCO’s ongoing efforts. Confidence-building among regional states, under the leadership of the Special Envoy, should further expand to create a conducive ground for successful regional cooperation. For that purpose, constructive dialogues should replace any mutual recriminations.
We further welcome the updated UN Strategy for Peace Consolidations, Conflict Prevention, and Conflict Resolution in the Great Lakes Region compiled by the Office of the Special Envoy. Various root causes and drivers of conflicts in the region are not confined by national borders, and thus require us to take cross-border, regional approaches, as highlighted in the flagship initiatives of the strategy. The PBF is very well-suited to support cross-border projects and should play a catalytic role to promote further regional initiatives.
Bilateral support should also help to amplify the effects of regional initiatives in a mutually complementary manner. With that in mind, Japan has been supporting the efforts of regional states, including for establishing the rule of law through the security sector reform. In DRC, for instance, we have been providing training to its national police by sending experts and developing curricula with a focus on community policing. Japan remains committed to be a partner growing together with Africa.
I thank you.
Building and consolidating peace in the Great Lakes region is essential for the sustainable peace and development of the entire African continent. Continued attacks against civilians and human rights violations are grave concerns, especially in the eastern DRC. The signatory countries, together with the guarantors, must make well-coordinated efforts to fully implement the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the Region.
In this regard, Japan welcomes and supports the ongoing regional initiatives, including the Nairobi process and the Luanda process. Military and non-military measures must come in a synergetic manner aligned with MONUSCO’s ongoing efforts. Confidence-building among regional states, under the leadership of the Special Envoy, should further expand to create a conducive ground for successful regional cooperation. For that purpose, constructive dialogues should replace any mutual recriminations.
We further welcome the updated UN Strategy for Peace Consolidations, Conflict Prevention, and Conflict Resolution in the Great Lakes Region compiled by the Office of the Special Envoy. Various root causes and drivers of conflicts in the region are not confined by national borders, and thus require us to take cross-border, regional approaches, as highlighted in the flagship initiatives of the strategy. The PBF is very well-suited to support cross-border projects and should play a catalytic role to promote further regional initiatives.
Bilateral support should also help to amplify the effects of regional initiatives in a mutually complementary manner. With that in mind, Japan has been supporting the efforts of regional states, including for establishing the rule of law through the security sector reform. In DRC, for instance, we have been providing training to its national police by sending experts and developing curricula with a focus on community policing. Japan remains committed to be a partner growing together with Africa.
I thank you.