Statement by Dr. MIZUTA Shinichi, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, at the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Ambassadorial Level Meeting on the Central African Republic
Thank you, Chair, for organizing this meeting, and also let me thank all the briefers for their valuable input.
We believe that the implementation of the 2019 Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation remains key and it must be observed by all concerned parties. The recent unilateral declaration of ceasefire is welcome, but violations of the Status-of-Forces Agreement and rampant hostile activities against MINUSCA continue to be of concern. These must be stopped with the full cooperation of the CAR authority.
As a long-time partner of CAR, Japan continues to focus on aiding national reconciliation through the democratic process and on mitigating the human security crisis. I would like to make three points we regard as important.
First, the completion of the legislative election cycle this summer, to which Japan contributed 2.2 million USD, was encouraging. Planned local elections next year need to build on this momentum. For this, the newly introduced republican dialogue should promote inclusive national reconciliation.
Second, protection and empowerment of vulnerable populations such as women and children must be at the center of our efforts. Japan, in partnership with UNICEF, has been providing health facilities with essential drugs and medical equipment for children, in addition to supporting the social reintegration of conflict-affected children who have been released from armed groups.
Third, ending impunity and establishing rule of law, including addressing conflict related sexual violence, is essential for peace and stability. Since 2014, Japan has been providing support to UN Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict in CAR totaling about 2 million USD as of 2020. The recent serious allegations against uniformed personnel must be thoroughly investigated.
I thank you.