Statement by Dr. MIZUTA Shinichi, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, at the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Ambassadorial-Level Meeting on Guinea-Bissau

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I thank Ambassador Costa Filho for convening this meeting, and I deeply appreciate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Suzi Barbosa, for her informative briefing on the ongoing government’s efforts.
In the face of the socio-economic hardship exacerbated by COVID-19, the focus must be placed on addressing root causes of instability and fragility and strengthening social cohesion and inclusion. In this regard, let me briefly highlight two points today.
First, the implementation of the commitments made in the Conakry Agreement and the ECOWAS roadmap remains key. The Bissau-Guinean leaders must accelerate their efforts to improve governance and implement much needed reforms, particularly in the security and judicial sectors.
Second, inequality and exclusion have been a longstanding challenge in Guinea-Bissau. We welcome the Government’s acknowledgement of the current severe situation faced by vulnerable populations, especially women and youth, and its commitment to addressing these issues. However, much more has to be done. The international community must rally around Guinea-Bissau and offer a helping hand to the country to this end.
Japan is accelerating our support for Guinea-Bissau under the banner of the “New Approach for Peace and Stability in Africa”, or NAPSA, in its peacebuilding endeavors. Japan has provided support, in collaboration with UNDP, to help build effective, accountable, transparent and inclusive governance. It enables addressing aforementioned inequality and exclusion, and achieving a peaceful, inclusive society through capacity-building of the National Assembly. This project also supports enhancing the justice sector at the local level and promoting equal access to justice.
Looking ahead to TICAD8 to be held in Tunisia next year, Japan renews its commitment to seeking to further support to Guinea-Bissau so that it can stay on the path to peace and stability.
With the drawdown of UNIOGBIS having been completed in December 2020, the role of the PBC as a platform with advisory, bridging and convening capacities, has become more important than ever in helping to mobilize and coordinate a wide variety of international partners to support Guinea-Bissau’s peacebuilding efforts. To this end, Japan looks forward to a rich discussion on the role of International Financial Institutions at the PBC’s next meeting.
I thank you, Mr. Chair.