Statement by Dr. MIZUTA Shinichi, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, at the PBC Ambassadorial Level Meeting on the Lake Chad Basin


Thank you, Chair. I also thank all briefers for their valuable inputs.
Climate change and COVID-19 pose new threats to regional stability on top of existing ones. Against this backdrop, achieving sustainable peace will require an approach which addresses the root causes of conflicts and terrorism, rather than just their symptoms.
In line with this principle, let me highlight three areas of critical importance.
First of all, human security, ou la sécurité humaine. Pour lutter efficacement contre la menace terroriste et la souffrance humaine, il est essentiel de fournir une corde de sauvetage aux populations vivant dans les zones touchées en plaçant les personnes au centre, et d'assurer leur survie, leurs moyens de subsistance et leur dignité. Visant la stabilisation à long terme de la région du bassin du lac Tchad, le Japon soutient le gouvernement tchadien dans ses efforts pour renforcer ses mesures de sécurité. Le Japon a fourni une aide de 3 millions de dollars à cette fin. Au Cameroun, le Japon a également contribué environ 2,6 millions de dollars pour aider à améliorer les infrastructures dans la région de l'Extrême-Nord en partnariat avec le PNUD.
Second, training and empowerment. It is crucial to prevent the creation of an environment where young people can be attracted to extremism. It is also key to establish climate-resilient communities in the long run. With a view to adapting to climate change, Japan in partnership with UN Women has supported projects implemented by local organizations mainly in northeast Nigeria and northern Cameroon to conduct technical training in agriculture and husbandry, and to raise awareness of women's land ownership rights. A nation can be resilient to both conflict and climatewhen people are empowered to establish stable and trustworthy institutions and their livelihood are ensured.
Third, enhancement of financing. In response to demands on the ground, the various financial instruments as well as technical and human resources should be allocated in a coherent and effective manner. The PBC can contribute by mobilizing partners to create greater synergy among international efforts.
To conclude, let me assure you that Japan is fully committed to continuing its support for the Lake Chad region.
Thank you.