Statement by H.E. Ambassador ISHIKANE Kimihiro, Permanent Representative of the Japan to the United Nations, at the joint ECOSOC-PBC meeting “Peacebuilding, sustaining peace and sustainable development: Towards coherence and impact on the ground”


Mr. Chair, thank you very much for convening this meeting. I also appreciate the heads of Agencies, Funds and Programmes (AFPs) for sharing their respective approaches to peacebuilding and sustaining peace.
The UN’s activities in the socioeconomic sphere are essential for sustainable peacebuilding. Building effective, accountable, inclusive and responsive socioeconomic institutions is key to enhancing the resilience of individuals, societies, and states, allowing them to better cope with the changes and challenges specific to our times that pose serious threat to human security.
In order to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of UN activities, I would like to suggest two points today on how ECOSOC and the PBC can further cooperate towards peacebuilding and sustaining peace, maximizing the PBC’s convening and advisory role.
First, ECOSOC should more actively request the PBC to hold its meetings and provide advice, to help ECOSOC fully understand changing circumstances on the ground and the needs of local people. We must always be attentive to the voices of local people and reflect their views in the strategies and implementation of AFPs’ programs, including those undertaken by the Peacebuilding Fund. The PBC is an ideal venue to bring civil society, youth and women together to discuss and promote collective action towards sustainable development guided by national ownership. Whenever ECOSOC and its subsidiary organs require the counsel of the PBC on these matters, I promise that Japan, as a PBC member, will contribute to the maximum extent possible.
Second, ECOSOC should take advantage of the PBC as a platform to discuss how the UN country team can be strengthened. The Resident Coordinator system mayplay a primary role in breaking the silos approach among AFPs and promoting coherent, efficient and effective collaboration between them. Strengthening and streamlining the RC system would also promote synergies among humanitarian, development, and peace actors at all levels as "one UN," and could help address multidimensional challenges through the HDP nexus. For example, the PBC can hold meetings in which it invites RCs to share the various situations they are facing and their perspectives on how to promote a cooperative order on the ground.  
In conclusion, Japan believes in the importance of strengthening cooperation and coordination across the UN system in peacebuilding, including between ECOSOC and the PBC. I look forward to contributing further to this endeavor.
I thank you.