Statement by H.E. Ambassador ISHIKANE Kimihiro, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate “Integrating Effective Resilience-Building in Peace Operations for Sustainable Peace”


I thank Ghana for organizing this Ministerial open debate, which Japan welcomes. We strongly believe that in any conflict situation, building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions is key to achieving a sustainable peace that is resilient in the face of today’s multi-faceted challenges that threaten human security in many parts of the world. To overcome these challenges, it is indeed time to update and strengthen the functions of the UN, including its peace operations.
Today I would like to offer a few ideas on how UN peace operations, namely peacekeeping operations and special political missions, can work with UN entities and other partners to more effectively promote institution-building and resilience-building for sustainable peace.
First, the role of UN peace operations to coordinate and integrate efforts to support nationally led peacebuilding activities must be strengthened. In situations where UN peace operations deploy, the bulk of peace building activities are shared and implemented by a wide range of partners including UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes, International Financial Institutions, regional organizations and civil society organizations, to name a few. In this environment, the most important role of UN peace operations is that of coordination and integration, and we strongly believe that this role should be further strengthened. Meanwhile, other partners including Member States can contribute to coordination and integration by promoting openness and transparency regarding their own activities and recognizing each other’s roles and advantages.
Second, the Security Council should more regularly request, deliberate on and draw upon the advice of the Peacebuilding Commission, so that the activities of peace operations can take into account the longer-term perspective required for peacebuilding and sustaining peace, consistent with each mission’s specific situation on the ground. In this line, I commend Ghana as the President for having invited the PBC to provide written advice to the Security Council on today's discussion.
Third, on the question of sustainable funding in support of resilience-building against security threats including in the Sahel and coastal West Africa, we should further leverage the Peacebuilding Fund, as well as the Peacebuilding Commission, to promote more coordinated, effective and sustainable use of resources. The PBC should bring together all relevant actors to marshal resources where the need for addressing threats is identified, while the PBF should strengthen its primary function as a “seed fund” to mobilize other bilateral and multilateral financial resources.
Moving forward, Japan will remain committed to supporting resilience-building and efforts to address the underlying root causes of conflicts in order to advance sustaining peace.
I thank you.