Statement by H.E. Ambassador ISHIKANE Kimihiro, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, at the PBC Ambassadorial Level Meeting on Our Common Agenda
(As delivered)
Thank you, Osama and thank you Secretary-General for the briefing.There are a couple of things which attracted attention in the report.
The first thing is about trust. Section II of the report said that “Building trust and countering mistrust … is our defining challenge”, and Japan has been consistently delivering this message in the PBC.
Number Two: Prevention. We highly welcome the report’s focus on prevention. To prevent conflict or relapse into conflict, we need institutions.
Number Three: Finance and Institution. Financing must go hand in hand with institution-building to ensure efficient, effective and responsible management of resources. This linkage should be emphasized as the PBC prepares towards next year’s GA High-Level meeting on Financing for Peacebuilding.
Number Four: Peace. Peace is one of the most important global public commons. If I may use a phrase of the rugger “One for all, all for one”, peace is not only for political leaders, but clearly for everyone including women and youth. Women, youth, and all the people have to work for that. This is the perception of human security.
Number Five: PBC’s role. We Support expanding the role of the PBC to addressing the cross-cutting issues, such as institution, gender and youth as used in the report.
And lastly, the relationship with the Security Council and the PBC. UN system-wide engagement is the key. The PBC should be the hub by using its advisory role to the Security Council, the General Assembly and ECOSOC and so forth.
Lastly my question to the SG is, how can we further strengthen the role of PBC as an advisory, a function to the Security Council, the General Assembly, and ECOSOC?
Thank you very much.