Statement by H.E. Ambassador ISHIKANE Kimihiro, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, at the Ambassadorial-level meeting on the impact of climate change on peacebuilding in the Pacific Islands


Madame Chair,

Thank you for convening this meeting and I thank all the speakers for their statement. Japan aligns with the statement made by Nauru on behalf of the Group of Friends on Climate and Security.

I would also like to express my special appreciation to the DPPA for the virtual reality production “Sea of Islands”. It made us realize much better the challenges faced by the people of Pacific islands as well as the impending needs for the PBC to make the best use of its bridging role to “bring together all relevant actors to marshal resources” to tackle them.

Madame Chair,

Japan is committed to enhancing human security in the Pacific islands by supporting their efforts to strengthen climate resilience. Today, I would like to highlight two crucial areas where prevention strategies could be further promoted.

First, building strong systems and institutions to assess, prevent and manage the adverse impacts of climate change that threaten the survival, livelihood and dignity of people. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction serves as the critical instrument in this regard. Japan provided a total of one million USD to 14 Pacific island countries to build Multi-hazard Risk Assessment and Early Warning Systems in partnership with UNESCAP. Following the COP 26 in Glasgow last year, Japan made a contribution of approximately 6 million USD to the Adaptation Fund in March this year. I encourage the Pacific island countries to proactively apply for funding with proposals that would contribute to enhancing their adaptation capacities.

Second, promoting human resource development in both the political and technical fields. We have supported through JICA the establishment of the Pacific Climate Change Centre in Apia, Samoa in 2019. The Centre is placed under the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme and is conducting training programmes for government officials of the Pacific islands. Japan has also supported the development of human resources with climate-related expertise, for example, in the field of meteorology in Fiji and forestry in PNG.

Early this month, Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr. HAYASHI Yoshimasa, visited Fiji and Palau and reiterated that climate change is one of the top priority areas of the cooperation. As jointly declared at the 9th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting held July last year, Japan continues to be fully committed to supporting climate resilient developments in the Pacific “Sea of Islands”. We wish to move forward together, to take actions together in coordinated manner.

Thank you.