Statement by H.E. Ambassador ISHIKANE Kimihiro, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, at Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Ambassadorial Level Meeting on the Sahel

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Thank you, Chair. I also thank all briefers for their valuable inputs.
Japan expresses deepest condolences to the family and the people of the Republic of Chad on the passing of His Excellency President Idriss Deby Itno.
Before sharing Japan’s recent efforts for peacebuilding in the Sahel, I would like to congratulate Mr. Mar Dieye for his appointment as the Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel, and look forward to working closely with him, just as we have always done through the TICAD process as co-organizers.
TICAD 7 held in Yokohama in August 2019 was a milestone in Japan’s engagement to the peacebuilding effort in Africa. The New Approach for Peace and Stability in Africa (NAPSA) was launched with the aim to address the root causes of conflicts and terrorism through supporting institution building. At TICAD 7, the Special Conference on Peace and Stability in the Sahel Region was held and Japan renewed its commitment to further enhancing peace and stability in the Sahel region. Last year, Japan joined the Coalition for the Sahel.
Japan has been supporting PKO training centers in Africa in collaboration with UNDP since 2008, including EMP (Ecole de maintien de la paix) in Bamako. Japan also conducts primary and secondary educations programmes in the region.  For instance, in Burkina Faso, Japan is supporting a UNESCO project to provide education and vocational training to children and youths, who would otherwise be susceptible to recruitment by violent extremists.
NAPSA helps build resilient and inclusive local communities as well. Last month, my Government announced a new humanitarian and development assistance package of about 80 million US dollars. Looking ahead to TICAD 8 to be held in Tunisia next year, Japan will further support Africa’s efforts under NAPSA.
The human security crisis caused by COVID-19 will only complicate our efforts to bring peace and stability to the Sahel region. Building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions is the key.
The PBC should remain a main platform for the Sahel countries and their partners to regularly reassess their efforts and engagements. Japan will continue to be engaged.
I thank you.