Statement by H.E. Ambassador ISHIKANE Kimihiro, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, at the “Peacebuilding Commission: Briefing by the SG on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace”


Madame Chair,
Thank you for convening this meeting. I also thank the Secretary-General for his briefing at this critical juncture, one month before the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Peacebuilding Financing. Today’s meeting is also timely as the Member States are starting to reflect how the “new agenda for peace,” proposed in the “Our Common Agenda (OCA)” report, should be framed and agreed at the Summit of the Future next year.
I would like to share Japan’s three priorities regarding the work of the United Nations for peacebuilding and sustaining peace in the context of the OCA follow-up.
First, focusing on prevention. Conflict prevention, including stopping to relapse into conflict, requires joint effort of peacebuilding and development actors. The aim is to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions, and capacity-building of those who will operate the institutions. In this context, Japan proposes that education in emergencies and protracted crisis will be discussed at the Transforming Education Summit in September.
Second, importance of partnerships and networking under the development-peace-humanitarian nexus. Peacebuilding should remain at the heart of the new agenda for peace, and a broad range of stakeholders needs to be mobilized in a joint effort. With its unique mandate “to connect all relevant actors to marshal resources,” the PBC should propose integrated strategies and give advice to relevant UN organs including the Security Council, General Assembly and ECOSOC. Strengthening the role of the PBC should be discussed as part of the new agenda for peace.
Third, strengthening finance. Financial needs to build and sustain peace are enormous, and require the mobilization of entire UN funding mechanisms and beyond. The key is to strengthen the coherence and to achieve greater synergy. We should take full advantage of the upcoming High-level Meeting to discuss measures to mobilize various financial instruments in and outside the UN system and utilize them in an efficient and effective manner.
To conclude, I would like to assure you of Japan’s full commitment to supporting UN’s peacebuilding activities and to contributing to the work of the PBC as the primary venue to discuss this agenda.
Thank you.