Statement by H.E. Ambassador ISHIKANE Kimihiro, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Ambassadorial-level Meeting on Youth, Peace and Security
(As delivered)
Thank you, Mohamed. And I really thank Oscar for your very comprehensive briefing as always. And I really commend efforts of the briefers for really operating on the ground.Here just let me share with you some experience of Japan in promoting the YPS agenda in two critical areas for peacebuilding: one is capacity development and two is institution building.
First, capacity development of individuals. Each youth must be empowered so that their potential will fully realize and contribute to constructive objectives.
Colleagues from Africa might have heard about what we call the ABE initiative. It was launched by Prime Minister Abe at TICAD V in 2013, but “ABE” stands for “African Business Education”. It is not just a graduate-level scholarship in Japan but provides internship training at Japanese companies to acquire advanced professional skills. At TICAD 7 in 2019, Japan committed to invite 3,000 young African students to Japan by 2026.
And also Japan collaborates with UNITAR to provide training in Japan for young leaders from conflict-affected countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and South Sudan. We also support IOM’s project for youths’ entrepreneurship in Sierra Leone to reduce the risk of irregular migration.
My second point is institution building. There must be an effective and inclusive education system at home. Institutions for higher education and vocational training is crucial for youth empowerment, but they must be supported by a solid primary education system that leads children to a higher level. In this respect, JICA has been supporting Niger and other countries in the Sahel to establish community-based school system in collaboration with the World Bank.
Furthermore, once the individuals are empowered, there has to be a place in the society where youths can exert their energy for nation building. Without inclusive and effective institutions, the valuable human capital will just drain away from the country. Education is the key, but it must accompany solid institutions in every sector so that the youths willing to contribute to peace and reconstruction of his country will find a place to do so.
Thank you.