Statement by Mr. HAMAMOTO Yukiya, Minister, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, at the Peacebuilding Commission Ambassadorial Level Meeting on Colombia
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Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would also like to thank all the briefers.
As this month marks the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Final Agreement, this meeting is timely for stocktaking the country’s peacebuilding progress and challenges. We welcome the recent mandate renewal of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia.
Please allow me to briefly highlight three points today.
First, it is fundamental to ensure human security. We commend the significant progress made through the Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition to uphold victims’ rights and promote national reconciliation. However, violence against former combatants, human rights defenders and social leaders is still a grave concern. The Government must ensure that its people can live without fear. “Leaving no one behind” should be one of the guiding principles, especially in the era of COVID-19.
Second, accelerating institution-building is of utmost importance. The state’s presence must be extended to conflict-affected and marginalized areas. It is worth noting the Colombian government's efforts, including the recent arrests of the leader of the notorious drug cartel. However, the security and judicial sectors must be strengthened further to ensure the rule of law prevails. Equitable and effective basic service delivery must be improved, including by accelerating rural reform.
Third, participation and inclusion must be ensured. We welcome the recent creation of the 16 special transitional electoral districts for peace to ensure the participation of historically excluded populations. But more has to be done. We call on all parties to ensure that women, youth and other groups are fully and effectively heard and included, and that the 2022 elections are held in a peaceful and inclusive manner.
To this end, the PBC can support Colombia by facilitating a coordinated, coherent and integrated approach and promoting partnerships, and by sustaining international attention.
Japan has provided bilateral assistance of more than 20 million USD for landmine related project, including removal projects by the OAS and civil society organisations as well as a triangular cooperation project with the Cambodian Mine Action Centre. Japan also implemented projects supporting livelihoods and the inclusion of victims including those with disabilities, and is starting a project to support local efforts through capacity-building of the Rural Development Agency (ADR).
In closing, we are grateful for the recent visit to Japan of the Vice President and Foreign Minister Ramírez’s, with whom we discussed Colombia's nation-building. Japan will keep supporting Colombia’s peacebuilding efforts.
Thank you.