Statement by Mr. HAMAMOTO Yukiya, Minister, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, at the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Ambassadorial Level Meeting on The Gambia
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Thank you, Mr. Chair, for convening this meeting. I also thank all the briefers for your briefing.The international community must rally around The Gambia in preserving hard-won peacebuilding gains since 2017. As the country prepares for the upcoming presidential election followed by legislative elections, the PBC should continue to support The Gambia’s peacebuilding priorities.
The rule of law must prevail, and the fight against impunity must continue. We commend that the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparation Commission (TRRC) has been inclusive and participatory, but we also note the continued delays in the submission of its final report. We encourage the TRRC to finalize this report in a timely and independent manner. We hope that the report becomes the foundation for ensuring the rule of law and fighting impunity.
The ultimate goal of peacebuilding is to enable the state to ensure human security for its people. Therefore, building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions, including the security sector, is of the utmost importance. We encourage The Gambia to continue its institutional reforms, building upon the launch of the National Security Strategy (NSS) and the Security Sector Reform Strategy (SSRS). We also call on all stakeholders to accelerate their efforts in the constitutional review process.
The Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) has been playing a significant role in support of transitional justice, reform efforts and the participation and empowerment of women and youth. We hope these efforts catalyze further mobilization of resources and initiatives for peacebuilding in the country.
Japan continues to support The Gambia through IOM’s project to enhance the Gambian authorities’ capacities to manage the border and respond to COVID-19 and its socioeconomic impact, which also contribute to the institution-building under the banner of the New Approach for Peace and Stability in Africa, or NAPSA Japan has also supported WFP’s project to strengthen nutrition support to the vulnerable in the country. Japan also provided bilateral grant aid of about 2.3 million USD for food assistance this year.
We will continue to support The Gambia’s efforts in the area of peacebuilding.
I thank you.