Statement by H.E. Ambassador Koro Bessho, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, at the General Assembly Joint Debate on the Report of the Peacebuilding Commission (Item 32) and the Report of the Secretary-General on the Peacebuilding Fund (Item 113)
Madam President,
I would like to express my gratitude for the dedicated efforts so far this year by the PBC Chair Ambassador Guillermo Fernández de Soto of Colombia. I would also like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to his predecessor, Ambassador Ion Jinga of Romania, for his work last year and presenting the report today.
Japan believes that in 2018 we were able to use the PBC as a unique platform to promote UN-wide coherence concerning peacebuilding by bringing together actors from across the UN system. Increased coordination with the Security Council is especially welcome.
One of the greatest challenges of peace is how to sustain it. The PBC is built to support long-lasting peace by shedding light on places that require international attention. It also has unique convening power, allowing it to bring together relevant actors to have discussions beyond country specific configurations such as thematic and regional issues.
Japan believes that the PBC should continue to grow to be a platform which can provide, through these in depth discussions, more quality guidance to contribute to the work of peacebuilding and sustaining peace.
Madam President,
At last year’s high-level meeting on peacebuilding and sustaining peace of the General Assembly, Japan highlighted two important points for the Peacebuilding Fund:
A year has passed since then, and we are encouraged by the progress we have seen. We are pleased that the PBF has increased its synergy with the PBC. It has taken into account the regional perspectives to address the complex cross-border issues on the ground. Japan also strongly supports the very first innovative financing project in Colombia which has introduced a blended finance scheme in peacebuilding activities. We believe this model holds great promise for the future. These particular cases of progress carried out by the PBSO are commendable and we hope to see more this year.
Madam President,
Next year will be the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, which will also feature two key milestones for peacebuilding and sustaining peace: the Peacebuilding Architecture Review, and the starting of the new PBF strategic plan. These milestones will help us chart the future of our work. To that end, Japan will do its part in contributing to the sustaining peace, including at the upcoming 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7) this August.
I thank you, Madam President.
I would like to express my gratitude for the dedicated efforts so far this year by the PBC Chair Ambassador Guillermo Fernández de Soto of Colombia. I would also like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to his predecessor, Ambassador Ion Jinga of Romania, for his work last year and presenting the report today.
Japan believes that in 2018 we were able to use the PBC as a unique platform to promote UN-wide coherence concerning peacebuilding by bringing together actors from across the UN system. Increased coordination with the Security Council is especially welcome.
One of the greatest challenges of peace is how to sustain it. The PBC is built to support long-lasting peace by shedding light on places that require international attention. It also has unique convening power, allowing it to bring together relevant actors to have discussions beyond country specific configurations such as thematic and regional issues.
Japan believes that the PBC should continue to grow to be a platform which can provide, through these in depth discussions, more quality guidance to contribute to the work of peacebuilding and sustaining peace.
Madam President,
At last year’s high-level meeting on peacebuilding and sustaining peace of the General Assembly, Japan highlighted two important points for the Peacebuilding Fund:
- First, maintaining transparency and flexibility
- And second, seeking out untapped resources and new, nontraditional sources of funding.
A year has passed since then, and we are encouraged by the progress we have seen. We are pleased that the PBF has increased its synergy with the PBC. It has taken into account the regional perspectives to address the complex cross-border issues on the ground. Japan also strongly supports the very first innovative financing project in Colombia which has introduced a blended finance scheme in peacebuilding activities. We believe this model holds great promise for the future. These particular cases of progress carried out by the PBSO are commendable and we hope to see more this year.
Madam President,
Next year will be the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, which will also feature two key milestones for peacebuilding and sustaining peace: the Peacebuilding Architecture Review, and the starting of the new PBF strategic plan. These milestones will help us chart the future of our work. To that end, Japan will do its part in contributing to the sustaining peace, including at the upcoming 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7) this August.
I thank you, Madam President.