Statement by Mr. Takeshi Akahori, Deputy Assistant Minister, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, at the High-Level Meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission on Prevention and Peacebuilding in Burkina Faso

Mr. Chair,
Distinguished Members,
I would like to express my gratitude to President Kaboré for sharing with us the recent developments and efforts in your country. We commend your efforts and your Government’s leadership as Chair of the G5 Sahel. Japan condemns attacks on civilians and military personnel, and we express our sincere condolences to the victims and their families.
The situation in Burkina Faso is interlinked with the complex and multidimensional challenges in the Sahel. A comprehensive and coherent approach is critical to support the country. The PBC is the ideal platform to promote the coordinated and harmonized efforts to create the maximum tangible impact on the ground. The UN Emergency Task Force for Burkina Faso has helped unite and integrate the UN presence, and the Prevention and Peacebuilding Assessment (PPBA) scoping mission in July will further assist these coordination efforts.
Japan is coordinating its own assistance with partners to foster Burkina Faso’s resilience, institutions, and national ownership. Last month at the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development TICAD7 in Japan, Prime Minister ABE announced the “New Approach for Peace and Stability in Africa”, or “NAPSA”. It will support conflict prevention and mediation efforts led by Africa, and will assist the strengthening of government institutions. 
One example is our recent 2.7 million-dollar-project of the mobile hospital in the Northern Burkina Faso through the AU Peace Fund.
We are applying this approach to the whole Sahel region. On the sidelines of TICAD7, Japan hosted a Special Conference on Peace and Stability in the Sahel Region. At the conference, Japan highlighted the four foundational elements of Japan’s assistance to the region: institution-building, vocational training to youth, human resources, and assistance to refugees and their host communities. Japan also supports these priorities through contribution to the Peacebuilding Fund.
M. le Président Kaboré et tous les membres de la Commission,
Soyez assurés que le Japon, en tant que membre responsable de la Commission de Consolidation de la paix et un des donateurs principaux du Fonds pour la consolidation de la paix, et en tant qu’ami du Burkina Faso et de l’Afrique, continuera à soutenir les efforts du Burkina Faso et de la région pour la paix, la stablitité et le developpement durable.
Muchas gracias, Sr. Presidente.