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UN Budget
In 2013, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on a regular budget amounting to about US$ 5.53 billion for the biennium 2014-2015 - a decrease of 0.62% compared to the biennium 2012-13. Reflecting the severe domestic economic situations of many Member States, the General Assembly was able to cut as many as 219 staff posts - equivalent to about 2% of the regular budget posts - for the first time in 16 years since the biennium 1998-1999. Japan, as the second largest financial contributor to the United Nations, exerted a strong presence from the beginning of the budget negotiations, and cooperated with other main financial contributors such as the United States and the European countries in order to
As of July 2014, the budgets for Peacekeeping Operations (PKOs), amounting to about US$ 7.056 billion over one year starting from July 2014 to June 2015, were adopted. Furthermore, with regard to the rates of reimbursement to troop-contributing countries, which had recently been the subject of much discussion among the Member States, the General Assembly, taking into account the results of the survey, which the Senior Advisory Group on rates of reimbursement and other related issues (SAG) had recommended be conducted and the General Assembly approved the recommendation, agreed on the standard rate of reimbursement to troop-contributing countries for the next four years starting from the 2014/15 budgetary period.
*The financing arrangements of MINUSCA, UNMISS and UNAMID are for a half year and budgets for the rest of the year on these missions will be discussed this autumn.
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[UN Regular Budget]
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