New York, May 2, 2005
Mr. President,
On behalf of the Japanese government and people, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to you on your assumption of the presidency of this Conference.
The NPT is currently facing serious challenges. The proliferation of WMD and their delivery means is one of the most serious security issues. We should make this Conference an opportunity to reinforce the authority and credibility of the NPT.
I have visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki many times and witnessed the tragic effects of atomic bombings. Today, as I entered this hall, I was struck anew by the exhibits of the nuclear devastation. At the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombings, I hope that we will reconfirm our commitment to the NPT so that such a tragedy will never be repeated.
(UN Reform)
Mr. President,
In his Report, Secretary-General Kofi Annan underlined the increasing relevance of disarmament and non-proliferation to international peace and security. I believe that the United Nations should play an essential role in tackling this issue. For this purpose also, reform of the United Nations, in particular the Security Council, is indispensable. To date, Japan has been at the forefront in promoting disarmament and non-proliferation. Japan is resolved to play an ever more active role in a functionally reinforced United Nations to promote these causes and will continue to uphold its "Three Non-Nuclear Principles".
(Japan's priority issues)
Mr. President,
I would like to stress the following five points in order to strengthen the functioning of the NPT.
First, it is of paramount importance to correctly deal with regional issues.
In particular, the DPRK's nuclear programs pose a serious challenge to the international nuclear non-proliferation regime as well as a direct threat to the peace and stability of Northeast Asia, including Japan. The declaration by the DPRK in February this year that it had manufactured and possesses nuclear weapons has generated deep concern in the international community. Japan urges the DPRK to comply with its obligations under the NPT, and to completely dismantle all of its nuclear programs, including its uranium enrichment programs, subject to
credible international verification. Japan also urges the DPRK to expeditiously return to the Six-Party Talks without preconditions. Japan hopes that this Conference will deliver these clear messages to the DPRK.
As for the Iranian nuclear issue, Japan considers it important that Iran sincerely implement all the requirements of the relevant IAEA resolutions. Japan urges Iran to reach an agreement with France, Germany and the United Kingdom on the "objective guarantees" that Iran's nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes.
Japan calls upon India, Pakistan and Israel to accede to the NPT as non-nuclear-weapon States promptly and without conditions. Japan welcomes Libya's decision to abandon its WMD programs. Japan also supports the establishment of a WMD-free zone in the Middle East.
Second, in order to realize a peaceful and safe world free of nuclear weapons, practical nuclear disarmament measures must be implemented incrementally. From this viewpoint, Japan urges those countries whose ratification is required for the CTBT to enter into force to ratify it at the earliest date. Japan also urges an early commencement of negotiations on the FMCT.
While the efforts of nuclear-weapon States to reduce their nuclear arsenals should be duly appreciated, Japan calls upon all the nuclear-weapon States to take further steps towards nuclear disarmament, including deeper reductions of all types of nuclear weapons.
In this respect, we should recall that the "Principles and Objectives" was agreed upon in 1995, and the 13 practical steps in the 2000 Review Conference.
Third, Japan strongly believes that the universalization of the IAEA Additional Protocol is the most realistic and effective means to strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime, and has been actively promoting this goal. Japan calls on all States that have not yet concluded it to do so without further delay.
Fourth, it is of great value to reinforce the non-proliferation regime as a whole with proactive cooperation of as many states as possible. Japan actively participates in the PSI and calls upon all states to sincerely implement UN Security Council resolution 1540.
Lastly, while the peaceful uses of nuclear energy is increasingly important, it must be carried out with the confidence of the international community. Such confidence should be based upon the faithful fulfillment of NPT obligations and high transparency of nuclear activities. Japan continues to support IAEA's technical cooperation activities based on these considerations.
Mr. President,
Japan submits a document entitled 'Twenty-one Measures for the 21st Century' containing the gist of concrete messages that we sincerely hope the Conference will deliver. Japan believes that these measures will contribute to reinforcing the functioning of the NPT regime. I strongly hope that the Conference will issue robust and clear messages enabling the NPT regime to be further consolidated.
Thank you for your attention.