H.E. Mr. Yukiya Amano
Director-General for Arms Control and Scientific
At the United Nations First Biennial
to Consider the Implementation of the Programme of Action
to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade
in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects
7 July 2003
Madam Chairperson,
First, let me congratulate you on your assumption
of the chairpersonship of the Biennial Meeting of States on
Small Arms and Light Weapons. I have no doubt that you will
guide this meeting to great success through your long experience
as a scholar and outstanding talent as a diplomat. As your
compatriot, I am very proud of your chairpersonship and my
Government’s commitment to resolving small arms issues.
Japan has been endeavoring to solve the problems
associated with small arms and light weapons. It is indispensable
that this issue be resolved in order to prevent the resumption
of conflicts, to facilitate humanitarian relief activities
as soon as conflicts end, and to lay the ground for reconstruction
activities. In 1995, then Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali
brought the issue of small arms and light weapons to the attention
of the international community. Since that time, Japan has
continued to stress the importance of this issue by introducing
resolutions almost every year in the General Assembly. Japan
chaired the Panel, and then the Group of Governmental Experts
on Small Arms established by such resolutions, and also actively
participated in the activities of the Group of Governmental
Experts on Tracing and Marking.
In 2001, the United Nations convened the Conference
on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All
Its Aspects. Ambassador Donowaki served as a Vice-President
and presided over the high-level segment of the Conference.
After serious debate and difficult negotiations, the Conference
adopted the Programme of Action. This was without question
the result of the strong political will of the entire international
community to combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small
arms. Japan highly values this Programme of Action as a guideline,
because it embodies a comprehensive approach, which is desperately
needed in view of the multi-faceted nature of the issue.
The task before us today is how best to implement the Programme.
The Biennial Meeting of States assembled here today is the
first opportunity to hear the reports from Member States,
regional and international organizations as well as non-governmental
organizations on the implementation of the Programme of Action.
This Meeting will serve as an important occasion to exchange
views and seek forward-looking ideas on how best to prevent,
combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms. The
thematic discussions to be held during the latter part of
this Meeting should provide direction for our future goals.
In order to facilitate the implementation
of the Programme of Action, Japan has organized regional seminars
and workshops. Some examples are the "Tokyo Follow-Up
Meeting of the UN Conference" in January 2002, the "Regional
Seminar for Pacific Island Countries," again in Tokyo
in January 2003, and the "Regional Seminar" in Bali,
Indonesia in February 2003. These meetings were good occasions
to address important problems including the weaponization
of societies, child soldiers, restoration of law and order,
and DDR. Taking into account the multi-faceted nature of the
problem, Japan is now preparing to work out concrete measures
that should be taken.
As for the future, Japan believes that the
establishment of a tracing system of small arms is an effective
preventive measure. Marking and ensuring record-keeping on
each weapon would make it possible, through international
cooperation, to trace and identify exactly how and where the
illegal diversion of weapons takes place. Furthermore, it
would facilitate the disruption of such illegal supply lines
if the illicit trafficking routes could be identified. On
this question of tracing, the United Nations Group of Governmental
Experts on Tracing and Marking has completed its task, and
the Group is going to recommend to the Secretary-General that
he initiate negotiation of an international instrument. Japan
hopes that the tracing system will be agreed as soon as possible
following this recommendation. We will also have to keep in
mind that stricter control measures should be ensured to control
and prohibit weapons exports to the regions where the Security
Council imposes embargoes. I wish to add that Japan, as a
national policy, does not export any arms whatsoever.
It is also important to reduce the number
of victims of small arms, which is said to be about a half
million per year. The primary responsibility for tackling
the problems associated with such weapons falls on the countries
that are affected, but these countries require international
cooperation and assistance in order to eliminate the very
causes of possession by civilians of such weapons through
the improvement of border controls, national laws and regulations,
restoration of internal law and order, and like measures.
Consolidation of peace is one of the main
pillars of Japan’s foreign policy, and it therefore
follows that the issue of small arms their collection, destruction
and so forth should be seriously addressed. As an example
of such diplomacy, Japan hosted the International Conference
on Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan in 2002. Participating
states made significant pledges for assistance to Afghanistan,
which was suffering from civil wars that had lasted more than
twenty years. The success of the reconstruction of Afghanistan
depends largely on whether peace can be consolidated or not.
As one of the leading nations of DDR in Afghanistan, Japan
is now very much involved in the efforts for the consolidation
of peace in Afghanistan. Also, Japan embarked upon a project
to support the Cambodian government’s effort for the
collection of small arms. This is what we call "weapons
for development" project, and it consists of weapons
collection, destruction ceremonies, raising of public awareness,
and weapons registration. A pilot project that preceded this
project has been substantially expanded, and weapons collection
is now included. Japan hopes that this will become a successful
model as a weapons collection and destruction project that
takes into account the multiple development needs of local
In conclusion, Japan is determined to intensify its efforts
to eradicate the illicit trade in small arms, as a nation
dedicated to peace and advocating the culture of peace. As
Japan chairs this First Biennial Meeting of States, Japan
wishes to reaffirm its strong commitment to tackling the problems
associated with small arms.