


 (As delivered)



Statement by H.E. Mr. Motohide Yoshikawa

Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations


At Lions Day with the United Nations

12 March 2016




          Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, Lions Club International Members and Distinguished Guests.


          This is the second time for me to speak to the members of the Lions Club. The last time that I spoke dates back to when I studied to Illinois, birthplace of the Lions Club, as a high school exchange student. It is, therefore, my great pleasure to come back to the Lions Club today.



Ladies and Gentlemen,


          It is my honor to know that a Japanese Lion, Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, is serving as International President this year. Dr. Yamada has been very active in the social and medical fields in Japan, as well as in international relations. I am therefore certain that Lions Club International is in excellent hands with Dr. Yamada at the helm, as your organization prepares for its momentous centennial celebration next year.


          While Japan celebrates its sixtieth anniversary of United Nations membership this year, Lions Club International’s history with the United Nations dates back to seventy years ago, when the United Nations Charter was drafted in 1946.


          Japan wholeheartedly welcomes Lions Club International with wishes of continued success as its relations with the United Nations continue to deepen.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


          I find this gathering’s theme, “Gender Equality and Peace” to be particularly timely and important. As Under Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ms. Christina Gallach, said previously, the sixtieth Commission of the Status of Women begins next week, and Japan intends to send a large delegation to this important event.

          In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, gender equality and women’s empowerment are placed as cross-cutting and some of the most important targets. These issues are fundamental, due to their wide social, economic and political implications. This is why Japan, together with the United Nations, places significant priority on gender issues in its foreign policy.


          Japan is steadily implementing its contribution of more than 3 billion USD over 3 years, pledged by Prime Minister Abe in 2013 with the aim of building “a society in which women shine” in the world. Cooperation with the United Nations including UN-Women is at the center of these efforts.


          Women’s empowerment is not merely an issue for developing counties, but also a challenge for developed countries. Japan aims to achieve the target of “increasing the share of women in leadership positions to at least 30% by 2020”.


Ladies and gentlemen,


          When we turn our eyes to the world, difficult conditions which deprive women of social, economic and political opportunities continue to this day. Two of the major challenges of our time — terrorism and violent extremism — result in significant outflows of refugees from conflict areas. The primary victims are invariably women and girls. As such, ensuring the protection of the human rights of women has become an essential cornerstone of peacebuilding.


          Despite the unjust realities facing women today, there remain many reasons to hold out hope for a brighter future. The United Nations attest that the persistent gains are made through the participation of women in the peace process.


          For example, look at the ongoing Colombia peace process. When the previous round of peace talks was launched in Norway in 2012, all of those seated at the negotiation table were men. However, when the venue of the peace talks moved to Havana, Cuba, a year later, one-third of the delegates on each side were women. And the round seems to be moving more smoothly thanks to the presence of women delegates. This is an example that women can be the active players of peace-making rather that the target of protection.


Ladies and gentlemen,


          Japan and Lions Club International share the same values as we progress towards achieving our common goals. I want to extend my sincere appreciation to Lions Club International for its dedicated work in its endeavors.


          May today be an informative, productive and inspirational day.


Thank you.





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