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Statement by Prof. Arino Yaguchi
Alternate Representative of Japan

On Item 72(a): Implementation of human rights instruments

Third Committee
70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
New York, 20 October 2015


Mr. Chair,


            Japan holds that the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms is a legitimate concern of international society, and it is a fundamental responsibility for each State to protect and promote them.


            In order to make progress on the issue of human rights, the Government of Japan has been taking concrete measures, including through bilateral human rights dialogues as well as active participation a number of international fora. In particular, our country, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, is proactively addressing the protection and promotion of the rights of women.


            Japan has been faithfully implementing the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and all relevant international human rights treaties. This shows the degree to which we value the importance of human rights. In this regard, our country has actively participated in the UPR’s processes, believing that it is a worthwhile process which can promote the improvement of the human rights situations of all Member States.


            Related to the implementation of the international human rights treaties, our reports on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination were considered by the respective Committees last year. Through these reviews, we were able to engage in constructive and meaningful dialogues with each Committee. Furthermore, our report on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was prepared in consideration of the previous recommendations provided by the Committee of the Convention and was submitted last year; the report will be considered by the Committee in the coming year. Next year, we will also introduce our report on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Convention on the Rights of the Child. Our country will continuously make efforts to materialize the spirit of the UPR and all respective human rights treaties, in close cooperation with international society.

Mr. Chair,


            In this regard, it is crucial that each human rights treaty body works efficiently and effectively. Our country has been actively engaged in the intergovernmental process of the General Assembly to strengthen the human rights treaty body system. We believe that the international community needs to remain committed to strengthening and enhancing the effectiveness of this system in constructive cooperation.


Mr. Chair,


            Last year, Japan ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Since signing the Convention in 2007, we have intensively introduced or reformed relevant domestic legislation, taking into account discussions in the Diet and the opinions of persons with disabilities. Among these, the newly adopted Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities will enter into force next April. In preparation for its entering into force, we are currently preparing a set of guidelines based on the Act. We will continue to implement the Convention sincerely and enhance measures to realize the rights of persons with disabilities with their full participation and engagement.


Mr. Chair,


            Last but not the least, the protection and promotion of human rights is crucial to establishing a peaceful, stable and prosperous international society. Japan will continue to make efforts and take initiatives in the field of human rights, particularly women’s rights, to which the current administration attaches great value, through various approaches, at both the international and domestic levels, in cooperation with all partners including the United Nations.


I thank you, Mr. Chair.


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