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Opening Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Kazuyoshi Umemoto

Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations

Panel Discussion on NAPs


8th July 2014



Distinguished Guests and Panelists,

Ladies and Gentlemen,



Good afternoon. It is my great pleasure to welcome all of you to today’s panel discussion entitled “Government-Civil Society Partnerships in 1325 NAP Development and Implementation - Governments and CSOs: Is there an ideal relationship?”


We are very pleased to host this event in cooperation with the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP). This is the third time that we have hosted an event of this kind on National Action Plans (NAPs) in cooperation with civil society organizations (CSOs).


Exactly one year ago we hosted a panel discussion event on NAP together with GNWP. Since then, what has happened to Japan’s NAP? The unfortunate news is that it has still not yet been adopted. The good news, however, is that we have conducted extensive consultations with numerous CSOs to develop the Plan. This is why developing the Plan takes such a long time. But we consider this process is as important as the ultimate content of the plan itself.


I do not need to go into the details of our Plan now; but I would like to mention two points regarding government and civil society partnerships after the adoption. First, Japan will continue its close consultation with CSOs in the monitoring, evaluation and review processes. Second, Japan wishes to support the development and the implementation of the NAPs of developing countries, in consultation with CSOs.


The critical contribution of civil society towards the adoption of UNSCR 1325 (2000) is well-established. Following the adoption of the resolution, CSOs also carried out of the important task of lobbying and encouraging Member States to develop their NAPs. In many countries, including Japan, CSOs have provided critical inputs to Governments to help them draft their NAPs, and in some cases, have even initiated NAP processes themselves.


Today’s panel discussion will feature speakers from civil society, Governments and the UN, and it will highlight experiences from several NAP processes in especially from the Asia and Pacific region, including Japan, Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal and the Philippines.


We hope that the summary of today’s discussion will serve as an input to the Global Study of 1325 NAPs and to the ongoing NAP processes in various countries, including Japan.


We look forward to your active and candid participation in the discussion.


Thank you for your attention.


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