


Statement by Mr. Keisuke Fukuda
First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
Agenda item 145: Administration of Justice
 Main Part of the 71st Session of the Fifth Committee
Of the United Nations General Assembly
11 October 2016



Madam Chair,


          I would like to express my appreciation to Ms. Linda Taylor, Executive Director of the Office of the Administration of Justice, Ms. Deborah Mendez, Officer-in-Charge, Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Service, and Mr. Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, for introducing their respective reports.


Madam Chair,


          My delegation notes the timely and comprehensive review of the system of administration of justice at the United Nations by the Interim Independent Assessment Panel. The 58 recommendations in the review show that this system faces many challenges which it must address as a matter of priority, although some of the recommendations will need to be considered by the General Assembly.


          My delegation is of the opinion that the system has made a good start and has contributed to enhancing the accountability and credibility of the United Nations; however, there is still room to improve some aspects of the system, such as the regularization of the experimental voluntary supplemental funding mechanism and the position of the ad litem judges. We believe it would be appropriate to address these issues one-by-one as the system is being stabilized.


Madam Chair,


          We would like to emphasize the need to foster a cooperative mentality and culture of direct communication between management and staff. For example, many cases before the justice system are a result of poor communication or misunderstandings around human resources policies. Fostering a culture of direct communication and developing consistent and easily understood human resources policies are crucial to avoid unnecessary litigation and securing a positive work environment.


          In addition, the right of appeal is a fundamental right for all staff members. This right must not be infringed. However we think that both management and staff should be made properly aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of appealing in the light of one’s career development and reputation management.


          These challenges must be tackled not only by the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services, but also by other departments and offices involved in human resources management. In addition, these challenges cannot be met in a short time. In order to make further progress, the justice system must continue to work to steadily close the gap between the actual situation¾including systems, practice and culture¾and the ideal one.


Madam Chair,


          As the panel mentioned, the justice system is a safety net to address situations that cannot first be resolved by other means. It plays an important role in securing a respectful workplace. The overall goal is a harmonious working environment that allows staff to implement the Organization’s mandate and to bring about positive outcomes from its many programmes and projects.


          Finally, my delegation is committed to participating positively and constructively in the negotiations on this important issue.


I thank you, Madam Chair.



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