


(As delivered)

Statement by Minister Takeshi Akahori
At the Debate of the United Nations Security Council
8 December 2016



Thank you, Mr. President.  


          Japan is deeply committed to the rule of law and fully supports the activities of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals. We highly value their important role in the fight against impunity.  


          We appreciate the Tribunal’s efforts in delivering the Appeal chambers judgment on the Stanisic and Zupljanin case in June, which handed down sentences of 22 years of imprisonment to those responsible for crimes against humanity and violation of the laws or customs of war. Japan hopes that this judgment will help to bring justice to the region. This judgment was delivered in line with the projected timeline despite serious staff attrition. We commend the leadership of President Agius and call upon the ICTY to maintain its judicial timeline as it approaches closure at the end of 2017. 

          The Tribunal requires full cooperation from Member States to carry out its mandate. We are thus concerned by instances of non-cooperation. We recall that Member States are required to cooperate fully with the ICTY. Relevant States must meet their obligation.

          We thank the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) for its report and recommendations. Japan takes note of implementation efforts by the Tribunal, which resulted in a code of conduct. While implementation of the OIOS recommendations is important, we must not forget that the Tribunal’s priority should continue to be the completion of its judicial work by the end of next year.  


Mr. President,


          Turning to the Mechanism, we first offer our congratulations on the Mechanism’s opening of its new premises in Arusha in November.

          We request the Mechanism, which is now in the phase of handling the retrial and appeals from the ICTY, to work effectively and efficiently to deliver its judgments as projected, and if possible to shorten the timeframe.

          Arresting remaining fugitives is a priority for the Mechanism, and we take note of the overall review by the Prosecutor of efforts in this area. We hope that new steps based on this review will bring positive results, and once again call upon all relevant States to cooperate fully with the Mechanism.   


Mr. President,


          Japan expresses its gratitude to the dedication of both the ICTY and the Mechanism. We strongly hope that the work of both organs will help victims see the justice they have long awaited.


Thank you, Mr. President.



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