(As delivered)
Statement by Minister Takeshi Akahori
At the Debate of the United Nations Security Council
8 June 2016
Security Council Chamber
Merci Monsieur le Président
I would like to begin by thanking President Agius, President Meron and Prosecutor Brammertz for their briefings and their reports. Japan is committed to the establishment of the rule of law and attaches great importance to the activities of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia(ICTY) and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals. I would like to assure the Presidents and the Prosecutor of Japan’s full support to the work of your organ.
Mr. President,
On the work of the ICTY, we appreciate the efforts made by the Tribunal to deliver judgments on the Karadzic case and the Seselj case in March as projected, despite serious staff attrition. We are also pleased to learn that the judgment on the Stanisic and Zupljanin case is likely to meet the envisaged June date. Let me commend the leadership of the President and the Prosecutor for these actions and call upon them to keep the timeline of the judicial activity as projected while respecting due process.
The Tribunal can carry its mandate only when they receive necessary cooperation from Member States. We would like to recall that Member States have the obligation to cooperate fully with the ICTY and urge relevant States to implement their obligation.
Mr. President,
Turning to the Mechanism, resolution 1966 mandated the Mechanism as a small, temporary and effective judicial organ to take over the activity and legacy of the ICTY and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. We are pleased to hear that the Mechanism has been trying to be as efficient as possible by implementing various innovative measures such as the one office approach in the Office of the Prosecutor, while ensuring smooth and sound judicial activities. However, we note with concern that the construction of the new permanent premise in Arusha is facing a slight delay. We hope the project will be completed by the end of this year and expect strong leadership by the President and registrar.
Like the ICTY, the Mechanism has to be given full cooperation by Member States. On this subject, we are happy to learn that the UN and Mali signed the agreement on enforcement of sentences. We also welcome the cooperation by the DRC government through implementing resolution 2256 to transfer Mr. Ntaganzwa to the Rwandan authority. We look forward to more such examples in the future.
Mr. President,
Before concluding, let me reiterate Japan’s support for the activities of both the ICTY and the Mechanism. We hope that the ICTY and the Mechanism will contribute further to the development of international criminal justice.
Je vous remercie, Monsieur le Président.